Valendrian is the Elder, or hahren, of the elves of the Denerim Alienage. He is encountered in the City Elf Origin, and during the Landsmeet if The Warden is not a city elf.
Valendrian ist der Älteste der Stadtelfen in Denerim und ein guter Freund von Duncan.
Valendrian is the Elder, or hahren, of the elves of the Denerim Alienage. He is encountered in the City Elf Origin, and during the Landsmeet if The Warden is not a city elf.
Valendrian ist der Älteste der Stadtelfen in Denerim und ein guter Freund von Duncan.
Valendrian is the Elder, or hahren, of the elves of the Denerim Alienage. He is encountered in the City Elf Origin, and during the Landsmeet if The Warden is not a city elf.