Fancy Boys is a Canadian sitcom inspired by the American sitcom "Seinfeld", and focuses on two high class/fancy friends, Aaron and James, and their day-to-day life and world around them. The shows main characters are obsessed with the 80's and 90's, and always wanting to know what it would be like to live in the past. The show takes place in 2016. Fancy Boys releases on YouTube in April 2016.
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| - Fancy Boys is a Canadian sitcom inspired by the American sitcom "Seinfeld", and focuses on two high class/fancy friends, Aaron and James, and their day-to-day life and world around them. The shows main characters are obsessed with the 80's and 90's, and always wanting to know what it would be like to live in the past. The show takes place in 2016. Fancy Boys releases on YouTube in April 2016.
- Fancy Boys is a 2016 YouTube exclusive sitcom series created by Caillou Pettis and Ben Robertson. The show focuses on Aaron and Barry, two high-class friends and their day-to-day misadventures. The show's intro features Pettis and Robertson, however Robertson has yet to appear in an episode.
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| - Ben Robertson
- Caillou Pettis
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| - Caillou Pettis
- Shane MacInnis
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| - Fancy Boys is a Canadian sitcom inspired by the American sitcom "Seinfeld", and focuses on two high class/fancy friends, Aaron and James, and their day-to-day life and world around them. The shows main characters are obsessed with the 80's and 90's, and always wanting to know what it would be like to live in the past. The show takes place in 2016. Fancy Boys releases on YouTube in April 2016.
- Fancy Boys is a 2016 YouTube exclusive sitcom series created by Caillou Pettis and Ben Robertson. The show focuses on Aaron and Barry, two high-class friends and their day-to-day misadventures. The show's intro features Pettis and Robertson, however Robertson has yet to appear in an episode.