| - 1(xsd:integer)
- 2(xsd:integer)
- 3(xsd:integer)
- 4(xsd:integer)
- 5(xsd:integer)
- 10.0
- 10800.0
- 20.0
- 3.15576E8
- 50.0
- Yes.
- ~ Surge happens, defender successful defends against it.
- You'd be surprised how many PMs we receive when someone is getting "information" from someone they think is on the test server and that information is not even close to what we are actually working on implementing.
There's a lot of pretend testers out there.
- We are looking for feedback. It is possible that 20 will be too much for PvP. We picked that value because it didn't change the crits-to-kill ratio of the top PvP specs, but it did change the timing on when to heal.
For PvP we were looking to introduce small fluctuations to the rhythm of PvP deadlocks. We don't want the RNG to determine victory, but we do want the RNG to cause the player to have to shift strategies. In other words, we don't mind if surges are "oh oh that means trouble" but we don't want surges to be "oh oh... crap I'm dead..."
If 20 proves to be too high we can back down the surges to the 10% range along with the total effect of HoTs and DoTs. It's also possible for me so program additional systems to procs are less effective in PvP.
- One thing I should mention; the nature of surges is that melees with fast attacks will have more opportunities to activate a surge. and those opportunities happen while they are doing damage and looking for crits. A mage can fish for surges with fast spells, but they use more mana and/or give up damage to do so. We recognize this, and the chance to activate a surge will be higher for spells than melee/missile attacks.
- When a surge happens there will be a particle effect around your character in game that will incorporate the appropriate sigil.
- ...when someone forgets that during this time of year green cows rain from the skys and seem to take their anger out on buff bots. I would expect to see such cows in an hour, and then stop seeing them in 25 hours.
- Deception will block the examination panel from showing AL.
- You will be able to obtain a Slot Reduction Tool and use the tool on your tinkered Amuli Leggings to reduce them to single slot yes. They will retain their tinks.
You may then obtain an Armor Appearance Extractor. When you use it on your bright red trim Amuli leggings it destroys them and turns into an Armor Appearance Applier that remembers what they looked like. You then use that Armor Appearance Applier on your grey legs to turn their appearance stored on the Armor Appearance Applier; in this case giving them the bright red trim you want.
We also have something called the Armor Layering Tool. If you apply that to armor then that piece will visually lay over other pieces of armor that might overlap. In other words you are putting that armor on top. This allows you to make sure your Amuli Coat's sleeves will always show over other arm pieces you happen to be wearing.
- Not healing skill. The debuff reduces all healing used on you, even those from other people.
- Clarification:
Self boost surges will be on swing/cast. For a surge that affects the enemy like the DoT or healing debuff you will have to hit with the attack.
So for the damage rating buff, it will have a chance to surge anytime you attack a target whether you hit or not. Once it surges it will boost your damage for follow up attacks, but those follow up attacks have to hit.
For the DoT the attack that surges has to hit, but if it does the spell will cause its full effect regardless of whether you hit again.
- That might be because there is more then 3 quests he can give you.
- Some replies:
~ Yes, as reported the new race is Shadows, or rather Umbraens and Penumbraens which are a special type of shadow.
~ We are preparing an official introduction / lore piece. It will be ready soon.
~ For those of you counting the number of races we are releasing, Umbraens and Penumbraens count as one race for those purposes. Basically April counts as race 1 even though we technically have 2 racial options.
- “She is also doing well, and is most pleased with the lotus flowers you had added to the fountains. They are her favorites and remind her of her childhood” remarked the steward.
- We want to encourage white players to take a chance and go red so players who enjoy occasional PvP have someone to fight. Reducing the time penalty for going red is a big part of this. If there was an hour timer our research suggests that a lot fewer players would go red because of that additional time penalty.
I would suggest going closer to the forts to fight so enemies have longer to run to get back to white status. Another option is to roll a character on DT once the new race goes live and then no one can escape you by going white.
- These rumors would not stop the wedding, however. He was determined to go forth and bring happiness to the people of these lands, all people and all races who wished to be a part of such peace. If the rumors grew then he was ready to face the issue head on. He accepted that sometimes peace could only be achieved through violence itself.
- It *would* be in if some previous dev hadn't hacked the upper bits of the stack size variable and inserted versioning information at some ancient date.
As it is stacks will have a maximum size of 32k until some future date where I can basically rewrite the entire stacking code base to undo the damage.
- There's a lot of information flying around . It'd be very strange to give away a 4% xp boost to every new character seeing at that rate we might as well just increase the xp in the game by 4%.
When you make a new character you receive a Pathwarden token that you can exchange for a key in any of the starter towns. That key is then used on a nearby chest to get a variety of Pathwarden items . However when we added trinkets we also added a trinket to this chest that has the middle level of the experience boost spell that you can tinker onto other trinkets. In this way every new character already has an experience bonus but other existing players can get it without an xp cost, unlike the augment.
Trinkets and their experience bonus are balanced to give players the option of offensive effectiveness vs. defensive effectiveness vs. experience gain vs. secondary attribute stat increases.
- You are discounting the skill to stay alive entirely and in doing so polarizing the options. At its simplest I'd say it has at least three options:
~ Doesn't surge
- We have intentional added the ability to allow your, for instance, coat to continue to cover all the slots it initially visually covered. This is for players who like the appearance of coats but wanted to have the best possible gear .
We've also added the ability to raise and lower the layer your armor is on. This means you can have your sleeves show over your coat for example or your coat show over your sleeves.
- 3.472056E8
- Your Aetheric Mana Stone is not used up when you use it on Colalesced Aetheria to reveal the sigil and surge.
You never "bind" to Aetheria. You can equip and unequip Aetheria as you see fit, even after it earns experience. You could, for example, level Aetheria for a friend and trade it later.
- The requirements on the items did not change.
The spear in specific has the increased critical multiplier . The additional changes are set values like quest items and not the same as imbues.
- Yes it has been fixed and does respawn.
Did you check the other location or just sit in one of the spots that it can spawn?
If you just sat in the one spot, it is most likely that when you logged out and let the area reset you got lucky when you logged in and it spawned back in that particular location.
- I just checked my posts and I can't find where I say this system was implemented to shorten battles. I can't find a post that even says this system was implemented specifically for PvP. If there is some post I missed that suggests or states this, then I apologize. I do think the system will make deadlocks harder to maintain but good PvPers, if we hit our mark on this, can still have long battles if they can compensate for surges.
- Currently the plan is to try to put a clue in game during the April update if all 20 have not been located by then.
- ~ The proc rates depend on the attack type. Magic is best, then missile is slightly lower, then Melee is slightly lower than missile.
~ We are looking at making UA surge slightly less often than other melee to compensate for its increased attack rate.
~ After testing we are adjusting the duration of the surges. Our current numbers are below. We are still tweaking and these may not be final.
Damage Rating will last for 8 seconds.
Damage Over Time and Heal Over Time will last for 20 seconds.
Damage Reduction Rating will last for 12 seconds.
- The test server invites will be going out as soon as we get a chance to breathe and put together the email package that goes along with the invites.
- Swing/cast.
Here's what our testing suggests. With the damage rating surge, the damage boost is percent based so the styles with the most DPS get the biggest damage boost. The DoT surge might be better for fast weapons with a lower DPS.
The balance really fast weapons will have once they have 3 Aetheria equipped if they choose to equip the same type of surge is that surges don't stack. If they surge during an already existing surge they will be wasting some of that potential. While they have the potential to catch up with slower weapons, the overlapping surge will limit how much they can benefit.
- Here's where we disagree.
The numbers we picked for the surge boost are not designed to cause one player to automatically fail when they occur. If we wanted that we would have the surge have a bigger impact like 50. The surge is designed to change up the rhythm of the fight. Our PvPers are good and they know the rhythm of PvP fights. The game doesn't depend on attrition to end fights, it depends on a point of failure in this rhythm to cause one or the other to misjudge. Surges are designed to add fluctuations to this rhythm. If you make the right decisions when the opponent fires off a surge then you will survive and the fight will continue. This process adds another decision point however, and another chance for the fight to end because someone misjudged.
If the process is "my opponent's surge went off, I didn't react fast enough/do the right thing and I was defeated" then that's good. If the process becomes "my opponent's surge went off when I was at full heal and despite dodging/healing/using a shield I still died " then we need to dial down the power of the surge.
Right now it appears that if an opponent surges a PvPer can take measures to waste that surge, but it definitely breaks their rhythm. It could be that when thrown in the field the fluctuation is too high. If it is will will cut it back.
- It's already in the works.
- It's on my list.
- “They are going well; in fact, other races of Dereth have joined in preparing the wedding. Also, Isparians from all over Dereth are traveling to Yanshi just to lend a hand. It is bound to be a wonderful ceremony.” replied the steward.
- All the information will be released on Monday. As far as the teaser images go, we informed the fansites of our new policy regarding teasers yesterday. From now on rather than sending one or two images to each fansite, we will be posting all the teaser images on our website in a gallery connected to each event. The fansites will then be able to post all the images for each event. This allows us to not only make sure all the teasers are seen, but it also brings us in line with the other Turbine franchises.
- Maybe.
- No, but the initial spell that delivered it has to hit and not be resisted.
- Probably with race introduction #3 or 4.
- In short, there's a list of objects by their base file name. Coat Amuli, Coat Chiran, Coat Alduressa, as examples of some coats. Only objects in the coat list can be added to coats no matter how many slots they fill. A Breastplate or Hauberk object can't be added to a Coat or the other way around even if they are all reduced to being a Breastplate in coverage.
- Rule #2. Double Tap.
- Those of Dereth have traditionally called the weapons that are empowered to slay Isparians "human slayers" but this term is technically incomplete. These weapons are empowered by Bael'Zharon, and that curse allows them to be much more effective against not only Isparians but also the allies and members of their kingdoms. As members of other races accept the invitation to ally with and join the Isparian kingdoms they too will become susceptible to the power Bael'Zharon has bestowed upon these weapons.
As such, the peoples of Dereth will begin to refer to these weapons as cursed or empowered by Bael'Zharon and they will be effective against the members of alternate races who also join the Isparian kingdoms. Bael'Zharon hates Asheron and his power will be more deadly against the Isparians that Asheron called and to any of the other races who fall under Asheron's protection.
As for racial skills, I will give you another hint. Each new race will have a racial skill and a specific free Augmentation to start. We want the races to be cool to play, but we also want the other races to have the same potential as existing races since anyone can purchase the augmentation.
- “In the coming months we will need to keep a close eye on those around us, good sir. I will need you to be my eyes and ears among the people, and to inform me of any further details on this matter immediately. Do you understand?”
- We have no plans to change existing items.
- Yes.
- Yes. Combat mode is irrelevant to the HoT effect.
- Yes. Yes, you can trade fully leveled Aetheria.
- Yes. Yes.
- Sorry I didn't get a chance to answer this before.
1. Deception
2. +1% Chance to Crit
3. None
- I suspect mages will favor the increased damage over the DoT surges since their big spells are slow to cast. On the other hand, I would not be surprised to see mages experimenting with strategies involving lots of quick spells fishing for a surge, and then swapping to big spells once the meaty 20 Damage Rating lights up.
- All creatures that drop top tier loot use the same table and it hasn't changed.
- There Sev goes again, telling people crazy random things that may or may not be true for the upcoming spring update. I mean, unless we had already completed such work and it was in testing, it would make no sense to even comment here.
Next he will be say that more information about this will be forthcoming, and that he added flying cows to the game. This of course is all just crazy talk.
- While I agree, sometimes I have to schedule fixes that require significant work from other departments, especially if IT has to acquire specific hardware to test those changes.
- The issue is we are talking about three different functions.
Tailoring is the ability to take the appearance off one item and add it to another. This is purely cosmetic, or totally "care bear" if you will.
Multi-slot to single slot is the ability to change a multi-slot piece to only take up a single slot. This is wildly power gaming since it has no visual impact; it just makes cool multi-slot pieces into competitive single slot suit pieces. This is purely power gaming.
Changing something to always appear on top of other pieces is purely visual, and it is there to control how reduced multi-slot pieces overlap with other equipment. The is purely cosmetic and only even matters if you have changed a multi slot to a single slot. This is "care bear" as you say.
This patch has a lot of "care bear" stuff. Besides tailoring and the new race, new hairstyles and the barber and show helm are all aimed squarely at people who care about looks.
Now, if you are looking for power gaming stuff let me lead you over to our power gamer aisle. You have the ability to reduce multi-slot pieces to single slot pieces. You also have an entire new magic system with Aetheria that not only has new item slots and new protective spells, but the items level up and they provide surges of power.
- We still haven't decided on the nature of if/how it's dropped on death.
If it drops on death they can expect the value to be similar to the values of items in the same tier of loot.
If it doesn't drop on death then... well they're all set no matter what the value is
- In the screen shot there are three slots with a slight glowy color. Those are your empty Aetheria slots after you have finished the quests. The bright sigil being dragged to the slot is Aetheria after the Coalesced Aetheria has been bathed in the mana of your Aetheria Mana Stone and changed.
- When you bath the Coalesced Aetheria with the mana from your Aetheria Mana Stone the sigil and the surge both appear for that item. Both of these are, from that point on, associated with that Aetheria.
- I suspect it will involve a turn in the older gems.
- One one hand we want to preserve balance, and on the other hand we don't want to be in a situation where we are afraid to do something to make the game more fun. Our goal is to generate player excitement, and to make the big patches feel like they are substantial. That means big changes.
One of the things I like about this system is I think players will have to consider a strategy to best use Aetheria, and that strategy will change based on a player's build. If PvP overall is adversely affected we will work to make it right. It would be fairly easy from a technical standpoint, for example, to tweak down the surges to use a damage rating of 10 and have the DoT do 80 over time.