| - Felarya is an independently published OEL Manga distributed via Lulu. It takes place in the eponymous world of Felarya: a dangerous world where humans are hardly at the top, frequently hunted by predatory fauna and flora, as well as much larger sentient humanoid species. In the manga, the storyline prominently features a giant Naga, Crisis, and her acquaintances. In addition to being an OEL Manga, Felarya is an active world-building community where fan-created stories, not entirely unlike Fan Fiction, are created and ideas to expand and elaborate upon the structure of the world are encouraged. The world is owned exclusively by the creator, Karbo, and those who write or draw Felaryan related things must follow his specifications and rules on his forum. This series provides examples of:
* Adventurer Archaeologist: Subeta fancies herself as this.
* The Ageless: Everyone has this due to the magical properties of the world. Unfortunately for those who come to Felarya seeking immortality, it it very easy to die there.
* Alien Sky: Varies, depending mainly on what sun and moon(s) are currently in place.
* All There in the Manual: If you're going to get involved in the community, read the wiki (NSFW) first. You'll pretty much need it to understand what's going on.
* Always a Bigger Fish: One of the defining traits of Felarya- if you think you're safely at the top of the food chain, think again.
* Another Dimension: Many other worlds/planes, from which things tend to be taken and dumped into Felarya at random. Crafted magical portals, advanced technology, ancient artifacts, etc makes travel to and from other worlds possible at will.
* The Atoner: Jade's tenacious protection of Safe Harbor is her way of atoning for massacring an entire human village at some point in the past.
* Attack of the 50 Foot Whatever: With huge creatures and races commonplace in the setting, a threat from something giant isn't so much an unlikely occurrence.
* Author Appeal: Nudity, macro, and vorarephilia-geared content features prominently.
* A Wizard Did It: Many inconsistencies are HandWaved this way. For example, everyone appears to speak the same language due to a translation spell affecting the realm in most places.
* Art Major Biology: Trying to argue the Square-Cube Law in Felarya will get you nowhere.
* Ascended Fanon: Many ideas, characters and locales created by fans have been integrated into canon. Fanon regarding the nature of the world itself is often accepted by the creator.
* Axe Crazy: Sweet Jesus, Lily. Seriously, just look at her! (Mildly NSFW)
* Interestingly enough, she only acts this way towards humans.
* Back From the Dead: The former human Anna Demorah's second lease on life as a giant naga.
* Badass: Jade. To elaborate, she's a giantess who protects an Undefeatable Little Village, and has a tendency to curbstomp anything that threatens it.
* Also Yuri, leader of the Spetz. How badass is he? He managed to survive thirty-five years in Felarya (Word of God is that he served in the Russian invasion of Afghanistan before his arrival), form a militia/adventerer group with an impressive home base, and on top of all this, recruit Nikita, a giant dridder. And as you can probably tell by the name of his group, he's a Spetznas.
* Badass Army: The Vishmitals have this reputation.
* Balloon Belly: With stuffing an interest tied in with vore, inevitably there are depictions of big belly bulges on satisfied predators.
* Bare Your Midriff: Of the few characters who actually do wear clothes, there is maybe one woman among them whose clothes conceal her stomach.
* Beware the Nice Ones: Crisis is a happy, carefree sort...but you'll regret it if you antagonize her. Dear almighty freaking LORD, will you regret it.
* Berserk Button: Anna Demorah instantly goes into a violent rage when people damage her machines or smoke in front of her. Supposedly, Hilarity Ensues.
* Don't attack Safe Harbor, or try to hurt any of Jade's friends. Seriously, DON'T!
* Big Creepy-Crawlies: Fauna such as tonorions, cryoks and spine beetles, as well as dridders, mantoids and other bug-based races.
* Blue and Orange Morality: Most predator species have such alien morals that they believe it's perfectly okay to eat other sapient beings.
* Cat People
* Carnivore Confusion: A lot of the characters that eat people are really nice otherwise. It isn't odd for the predators to exchange words with their prey.
* Cheeky Mouth
* Cluster F-Bomb: Harpy speech is literally composed of nothing but insults and curses, even in casual conversation.
* Conveniently an Orphan: The sheer danger of the world easily justifies a lack of family ties for characters- Crisis never even met her parents, having hatched alone in a cave.
* Cool Sword: Verdant Fury, wielded by Alvar the blind fairy swordsman.
* Cute Little Fangs: Most Nagas have these.
* Cute Monster Girls: Very large ones.
* Crossover: Many characters are from other worlds/unpublished franchises.
* Continuity Snarl: While Karbo retains sole ownership rights, he puts great interest in the community and allowing their works to become canon. Sometimes, this leads to interesting pile-ups of character traits, stone's throw neighbors going unnoticed for years at a time, technological / cultural progression / regression of the natives, etcetera.
* Crapsack World: To those who don't share the author's interests, it's pretty hard to see this world as anything but a terrible, dangerous place.
* Cruel and Unusual Death: The fairy Lily's method of feeding is to suck the life out of her prey with plants. Even Crisis is unnerved by it.
* Crystal Dragon Jesus: Mainly the Othemites and their "Sun God", Oth, who parallel some of the nastier aspects of Christianity.
* Crossover Cosmology: Pretty much justified by the fact that no religions are true. Rather, angels in Heaven model different sections of it after different religions' respective afterlives. Powerful enough angels will take the names of gods and act in their stead.
* Death World: The setting is often considered too dangerous for any sensible person to visit without very good reason.
* Death Trap: Melany the fairy uses these to catch unwitting prey.
* Deadpan Snarker: Anna.
* Delicious Distraction: Commonly a view portrayed by giants of humans or nekos they may run into, nekos of tinies, etc.
* Disability Superpower: The fairy swordsman Alvar's blindness prevents him from being lured by appearances or caught off-guard by sneak attacks, as well as being immune to most illusions.
* Dissonant Serenity: Crisis's cheerful, carefree attitude towards her life is especially creepy when you consider that she has a tendency to swallow smaller sapient beings whole and digest them alive. And she thoroughly enjoys it.
* Distracted by the Sexy: Vivian and Melany tend to use seduction to catch prey.
* Emotion Bomb: Lady Lesona does this to Anna in T2 of the manga.
* Emotion Eater: This is theorized in-universe by the archmage Talbeln Veridimus to be the reason Angels and Demons take interest in the souls of good and evil beings, respectively.
* Emotionless Girl: Played with in the case of Lea: She seems outwardly cold and stoic, and her time as a slave definitely took a toll on her, but she has some moments where she opens up a bit, mostly around Crisis.
* Ethical Slut: Vivian is most likely one of these, given her reputation.
* Elaborate Underground Base: The Spetz maintain one in some old ruins, and it's quite the impressive one: it has everything from workshops, to training grounds, to greenhouses; it even has an orphanage for children Nikita finds lost in the jungle.
* Even Evil Has Standards: Some predators have scruples about what they eat when it comes to humans. (See Wouldn't Hurt a Child.)
* Everything Trying to Kill You: Because you are delicious.
* Everything's Squishier with Cephalopods: The races chlaena and cecaelias, octopus and squid hybrids, respectively.
* The Fair Folk: Despite looking like the sweet, generic modern fairies, Felaryan ones have the alien concept of morals that the traditional ones have.
* Fan Fic Magnet: A world capable of temporarily intersecting with any other? HELL YES.
* Fantastic Racism: Nekos are discriminated against by humans for their predatory nature. Harpies and sphinxes have a long-lasting conflict of superiority. A historic war between the half-spider dridders and the half-snake nagas has long since ended, but racial tension remains.
* Lily really, really, REALLY hates humans.
* Fetish Fuel Future: Felarya's fetish-centered origin remains a defining flavor of the world.
* Freudian Excuse: The reason for Lily's aforementioned hatred of humans? Her younger sister was captured and tortured to death by a band of human adventurers and she was Forced to Watch.
* Friend to All Children: Fiona is rather kindly towards humans in general due to having been raised by them and in general tries to befriend them rather than eat them. This trope comes into play because, even though she will occasionally eat a human, she will never eat a child.
* Also Katrika. Unlike Fiona, she enjoys eating humans. But, she adamantly refuses to harm children or their families. She'll even comfort children who've lost their families to predators.
* Food Porn: An odd example of literal food porn.
* Gadgeteer Genius: Anna Demorah.
* Gag Boobs: Find a reference to the naga Vivian that doesn't involve a joke about her breasts. I dare you.
* Garden of Evil: What else could a place called "Grove of Carnivorous Plants" be?
* The Evernight Forest also qualifies.
* Half-Human Hybrid: Many of the races are tauric or demihuman animal hybrids.
* Hermaphrodite: "Slug-girls" are creatures with the upper half of a human woman and the lower half of a slug-which means that they have the reproductive system of a slug too. This is not readily obvious at first glance.
* Honey Trap: Vivian. A rather strange case, since she seduces people so she can eat them.
* Horror Hunger: Fiona views her own predatory instincts this way. Though she will try as hard as possible to avoid eating any sapient being, she has accepted that she needs to eat them to stay healthy, and will do it if given a good reason.
* Humans Are Bastards: Repeatedly played with in many works and stories. Many human characters are actually decent people, but a few others are truly despicable. (See Freudian Excuse).
* Humanity Ensues: Many stories use this as a basic premise. May cause a change of heart if a giant predator is turned human.
* I Am a Monster: Somewhat subverted with Jora. She accepts her place in the food chain, but this only came about after an intense adjustment period after her sudden increase in size.
* I Can't Believe It's Not Heroin!: Many stories describe the consumption of smaller humanoids as an addiction. Predators that have a change of heart (a very rare occurrence, mind you) will find out that it's a lot harder than they think. And to make it even harder, predators don't suffer any negative consequences for eating other people.
* I Die Free: Subverted. Just when Lea (not that one) thinks she's about to be eaten by the giant naga Crisis, they end up becoming friends!
* I'm a Humanitarian: Humanoids eating other humanoids.
* Immortal Immaturity: Despite being immune to aging and of advanced (chronological) age, many predators act like young adults or teenagers. Crisis takes this Up to Eleven, acting like a kid at times.
* Infant Immortality: Not quite, but many works tend to dance around this issue a bit. Of course, the setting implies that people of all kinds end up dying...
* Interspecies Romance: Harpies are a One-Gender Race, but they can reproduce by mating with males of other humanoid species. Vivian the omnisexual giant naga isn't likely to take something like species into account too much if a similarly-sized humanoid might be up for some fun.
* Innocent Fanservice Girl: Mostly justified, as many characters simply too large to wear clothes. Naturally, this means the work focuses more on giant-sized females.
* Involuntary Transformation: Again, Anna.
* Also Jora. She was human before coming to Felarya, but due to an artifact, she became a giantess upon arrival.
* Knife Nut: Nikita carries a curved knife with her at all times. Since she's a giant dridder, said knife is eight feet long.
* Little Bit Beastly: Some fairies (most notably Melany and her antlers) and most nekos.
* Manipulative Bastard: Oh dear God, Gunther. To elaborate, he's a rather crafty Con Man who will scam you out of your money for a product designed specifically to get you eaten.
* Lady Leshonah, very much. She's constantly manipulating pretty much everyone in Negav. And everyone else, for that matter.
* Mary Suetopia: Deliberately used, then subverted. To the casual observer, Felarya often seems like a place where the giant and/or magical predators are heavily favored, with the world often seeming to be tailored specifically to them. Look a bit more closely, though, and you'll find there are just as many things in the world that hunt them, too.
* Monster Mash
* My Species Doth Protest Too Much: There are members of the so-called "predator species" that don't eat humans.
* Names to Run Away From Really Fast: Crisis. So very much.
* Negative Space Wedgie: How the aforementioned Gadgeteer Genius was given her new form as a naga.
* I guess you could call it a naga-tive space wedgie?
* Dimensional anomalies in general are relatively common in some parts of Felarya.
* No-Holds-Barred Beatdown: If Safe Harbor is threatened, expect Jade to deliver one of these to the unfortunate sap who's causing trouble.
* No Nudity Taboo: Many sapient predator species are also feral enough to see clothing as more of an inconvenience than a necessity. Predator species (e.g. faries) that live in more civilized areas are more likely to wear clothing.
* Elves are a bit of a weird case. While many of them have no problem with being nude normally, elves take great offense to being seen nude while bathing.
* Noodle Incident: Subeta is rather secretive about why she let Marken (a human) be her assistant.
* Odd Friendship: A recurring theme, the main varriation being a predator/prey species pair.
* Older Than They Look: Growing up here means you don't age past natural physical prime, giving one who lives there type II immortality. Thus the genuinely young may be virtually indistinguishable from the deceptively old.
* One-Gender Race: All-female races include the bird-based harpies and razias, bee-hybrid miaxi and wasp-based gyspas, dryads and actiniaes (sea anemone hybrids), succubi and 'slug-girls' which despite their name and outward appearance, are hermaphroditic. Razias function similarly.
* Only Six Faces: It's even more difficult to tell characters apart when their constantly naked bodies are as identical as their faces, though this is quickly changing in more recent artwork.
* Our Monsters Are Different: Many races are based on mythology, such as harpies, sphinxes, fairies and merfolk. They're different in that many of them are upwards of fifty feet tall
* Our Elves Are Really Quite A Lot Bigger
* Our Giants Are Also Quite Large
* Our Angels Can Also Be Very Big Sometimes
* Our Succubi Are Also Really Big
* So Are Some Of The Mermaids
* Our Dryads And Nature Elementals Are Take A Wild Guess
* Our Monsters Are Weird: Some of the fauna can be really strange.
* Plant Person: Dryads.
* Pet the Dog: Occurs on and off throughout the series, but Crisis sparing Lea's life and befriending her is a more prominent example.
* The Pornomancer: Again, Vivian. Of course, having magic also helps.
* Powers That Be: Felarya is guarded by several entities, the Guardians of Felarya. Not much is known of them, and they tend to show themselves only when the existence of the realm as a whole is threatened.
* Word of God has said they keep Felarya from becoming too civilized. One city-state was torn apart by a guardian because they were aggressively expanding their empire.
* Physical God: Again, the Guardians.
* Precursors: The Sagolians and their ruined city-state, Ur Sagol. They eventually went extinct because they tried too hard to tame Felarya and ended up getting blasted back to the stone age by one of Felarya's guardians.
* Pre-Ass-Kicking One-Liner: Annah, upon confronting a pack of mercenaries in Tome 2:
* Red Oni, Blue Oni: Telekine and Voidfingers quickly develop these roles as red and blue, respectively.
* Red Shirt: Any adventurer not given a name is almost guaranteed to die at some point.
* Scenery Porn: To the point where the characters often play second fiddle to their own backgrounds.
* Schizo-Tech: Felarya's few civilized areas, especially the city of Negav, are generally a mishmash of different magics and technologies from different worlds.
* Series Mascot: Crisis is considered the mascot of the universe.
* Sizeshifter: Fairies can change their size at will, both ways.
* Smart People Play Chess: The giant succubus Menyssan may agree to relinquish your soul instead of snacking on it, merely by defeating her at a bout of chess. It's not surprising she'd agree to a contest that plays to her strengths as a master strategist- she is a demon after all.
* Snake People: The Naga race, obviously.
* Snakes Are Sexy: so long as the "snake" is half an attractive woman from the crotch upwards.
* Spider People: The dridders.
* Stalker with a Crush: The giant naga Katrika can be frequently seen stalking Anna.
* Stockholm Syndrome: Nicely subverted in the case of Isham, who was was held captive for a time by the giantess Milly. They did eventually become close friends, but only after Isham was released and settled in Safe Harbor, and after much conflict during his captivity.
* Swallowed Whole
* Sweat Drop
* Swiss Army Weapon: Subeta the fairy's glove, capable of disabling, teleporting or summoning artifacts, wall busting, magic hax and comic relief.
* The Tease: Probably the most prominent sex-related trait regarding Vivian. Which, given her reputation is saying something.
* At one point in the Manga, it's implied that she teases Crisis into doing something sexual with her. This wouldn't be so bad except Crisis is never shown in any other sexual situation in any other canon work. And Crisis views Vivian as a surrogate big sister.
* To Serve Man: Humans are favored over most other available food by sentient predators.
* Token Evil Teammate: Nikita serves as this for the Spetz. She's not evil per se, but she still gulps down the occasional human, despite the Sptez being composed of "prey species".
* Trapped in Another World: Many stories have this as their basic premise. Those unlucky enough to become trapped in Felarya will be forced to adapt quickly to the dangerous environment, lest they be eaten.
* Turtle Island: Torkudas Island
* Undefeatable Little Village: Arguably, Safe Harbor. It's protected by Jade, a no-nonsense giantess, and most predators won't go near it because she'll kick the everloving snot out of them.
* Underwater City: Rhyzelm'oire.
* What Measure Is a Non-Human?: When a great deal of non-human sentient races are notoriously known as man-eaters, there is no doubt a strong bias against such predators on their behalf.
* When Trees Attack: Carnivorous plants being abundant, don't be surprised when you're dragged underneath what looked like a harmless tree by its roots.. Or discovering too late a giant dryad that's been looming over you.
* Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?: Ironically, this applies to the half-snake naga Crisis. She's completely phobic of tonorions- magic-shrugging, armored, spiked, carnivorous giant insects- having experienced a nearly fatal encounter with one in the past. Despite being a feared predator and being quite able to take care of herself, she totally loses her wits about them- even comparably tiny ones frighten her.
* The Wiki Rule: The creator has a wiki (NSFW) for canonical characters and stories.
* Word of God: The creator, Karbo, is quite involved in the community and has a tendency to discuss ideas presented in the community and accept/reject Fanon.
* World Tree: The Giant Tree is heavily implied to be one of these. There's even an entire religion that worships it.
* World of Badass: If you don't get dangerous very fast in Felarya, you're lunch.
* Wouldn't Hurt a Child: A few predators have this sentiment, most notably Fiona and Katrika.