| - The Svivreni were a species of stocky, furred equinoids native to the planet Svivren, known for their stubbornness and adherence to no-weapons philosophies. They had large, equine faces, and their heads were covered with flowing hair. Individual Svivreni were known to live for a 100 years or more. The fingers of the Svivreni were unusual in that they had three joints, providing increased dexterity and gripping power.
- As a people, the Svivreni were regarded as stubborn, and nearly impossible to influence once they made a decision. Although the Svivreni chose to remain neutral during the Galactic Civil War, many individuals served the Alliance rather than submit to Imperial control. Individual Svivreni were known to live for a 100 year or more. In general, the Svivreni never wished one another good-bye. Instead, they offered each other this simple advice: "The journey begins, so go."
- [Fuente] Svivreni eran seres inteligentes cortos, peludo nativos del planeta Svivren. Debido al ambiente rocoso de su mundo, que se convirtió en una especie stout, y crearon una civilización de la gente que trabaja duro con un talento natural para la geología. Svivreni fueron particularmente conocidos por su habilidad en la mineralogía y por su terquedad. El Svivreni tenía elaborados saludos y despedidas, no usar la palabra "adiós". Svivreni
- Svivreni were short, furry, equinoid sentients native to the planet Svivren. Due to the rocky environment of their homeworld, they developed into a stout species, and created a civilization of hard-working people with a natural talent for geology. Svivreni were particularly known for their skill in mineralogy and for their stubbornness. The Svivreni had elaborate greetings and farewells, never using the word "goodbye," which they considered to be bad luck.