| - Consumed with turmoil over the events of the War, Superboy can't get what happened on Apokolips out of his head. Worst of all was seeing a Scout of Impulse killed, the shock put Impulse himself into a coma. Kon drops by the Kent household. Superman is there and is not happy to see that the Kid has left S.T.A.R. Labs. Superman is bearing the weight of the grief over the war, blaming himself for so many deaths: Lois's father, Hippolyta, the Impulse Scout. To make matters worse, Jonathan Kent is missing. Superboy turns to Superman for help, yet the Man of Steel has no advice for him.
Superboy is flying towards Metropolis when he catches a glimpse of Impulse. He follows him into a graveyard which shifts into a twisted Wonderland. Impulse is wearing the clothes of the March Hare. What follows is a warped version of Alice in Wonderland. First the Kid sees a talking doorknob that looks like Steel's head, then he meets Supergirl who offers the shrinking bottle. Next he meets a pack of bird related characters floating on a raft before he is eaten by a giant King Shark. This transports him to a beach of beautiful women and an encounter with the Cheshire Cat, who tells him that he's no good that this introspective game. It also points out Tana Moon who disappears into a vortex. Kon follows to a spooky mansion, outside of which are Guardian, Dubbilex, and the Ravers. Inside, he finds Impulse, Tana, and Cherub who throw the Kid a Happy Unfuneral Party. The party is crashed by another assortment of characters . Superboy feels like he's going out of his mind. He tries to rationalize it--he thinks that he's still on Apokolips temporarily but the Cheshire Cat assures him that's not the case. He claims that he has been trying to help, and that if the Kid won't listen to him, perhaps he'll listen to someone else . Superman tells Kon to turn around and he sees himself, although a future self that looks more like Black Zero. The mirror image tells Superboy to take a look inside and come to peace with himself.
Kon wakes up in the Kent house, having been asleep for the past 20 hours.