| - Stark Industries was founded by Howard Stark and taken over by his son Tony, after his death. Tony ran the company until his death in 2003. At this time he passed the company over to his protege, Ethan Drake. During Drake's time as CEO of the company he helped to greatly expand the business. After his death in 2008 his friend and fellow Avenger, Carter Jones, became the new CEO and owner of the company. However, Jones turned it over to a new CEO Alex Burke only a few short years later. Carter went on to become the owner of King Enterprises. After the death of Jones Stark Industries bought out King Enterprises, adding it to its already impressive holdings.
- - Combine Motto
- Stark Industries is a multinational industrial company handed down to Tony Stark, by his father, Howard Stark. Obadiah Stane was the CEO after Howard's death, but the position was taken over by the younger Stark when he turned 21. Stark appointed Pepper Potts CEO when he believed he was dying, and she continued in the position after Stark engineered his own recovery.
- Stark Industries is a right-facing shipyard on Scrimshaw Island. Image:Icon boarding house.pngArr! This article about a building in Puzzle Pirates be a stub. Ye can help YPPedia by [ expanding it].
- Firma założona przez Howarda Starka. Kiedyś zajmowała się wdrążaniem najnowszej technologi wojskowej, jednak Tony Stark po odkryciu, sprzedawania broni przeciwnikom USA postanowił zamknąć zakłady zbrojeniowe.
- Stark Industries is a company founded by Howard Stark during the early twentieth century, and a pioneer in different types of technology that constantly helped the US military with different and innovative weapons, as well as aiding in the creation of the Supersoldier Serum. Years later, Stark, along with Anton Vanko, created the Arc Reactor, a source of free, pure and efficient energy that powered Stark Industries' main plant. After Howard's death in 1991, the company was inherited and controlled by his gifted son, Tony, with the help of Howard's right hand Obadiah Stane.
- Stark Industries ist eine ehemalige Waffenfirma. Nachdem Tony Stark von Terroristen entführt wurde, beschließt er die Waffenproduktion einzustellen und die Firma in anderen Bereichen aktiv werden zu lassen. Dazu gehören die Erzeugung sauberen Stroms mithilfe der Arc-Reaktor-Technologie sowie der Produktion der Iron Man-Anzüge.
- Stark Industries, later also known as Stark International, Stane International, Stark Innovations, Stark/Fujikawa and currently Stark Enterprises, is a fictional multi-billion dollar business owned and run by billionaire Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark. The company appears in stories published by Marvel Comics and exists in that company's shared universe, known as the Marvel Universe. It first appeared in Tales of Suspense #40 and was founded by Howard Stark, Tony's father. According to Forbes 25 largest fictional companies, it had an estimated sales of $20.3 billion.
- Stark Industries is a weapons and technology company founded and owned by Howard Stark. In World War II, Stark Industries built 100,000 planes to help the Allies forces, quickly establishing them as a military contractor. Stark Industries also assisted the Strategic Scientific Reserve fight against HYDRA. After Howard's death, ownership passed to his son, Tony and the company was run by Obadiah Stane until Tony was old enough to take over. Under Tony's leadership, Stark Industries became the world leader in the development of manufacturing advanced weapons. Stark Industries quickly branched out into other scientific fields including aeronautics, robotics, micro-technology and fringe science. After returning home from being held captive, Tony stopped Stark Industries from manufacturing weap