| - The Treaty of Denver was the milestone document that ceded land from the United States and Canada to the Sovereign Tribal Council, officially establishing the Native American Nations, the Front Range Free Zone city of Denver, and the extraterritorial free city of Seattle. For the most part, the Treaty of Denver was terms of surrender and granted lands formerly under the jurisdiction of the United States and Canada to the Amerind tribes. It was signed on January 25, 2018. It is ten pages long (although the legalese and other amendments takes up 50 gigapulses of memory). The terms of the Treaty of Denver are as follows:
* To cede lands covering most of the western North America to the Native American Nations for purposes of forming their own independent nations.
* To establish and recognize from this point forward the legitimacy of the Native American Nations; specifically the Sioux Nation, the Pueblo Council, the Salish Council, the Ute Nation, the Trans-Polar Aleut Nation, and the Tsimshian Nation.
* To establish the Sovereign Tribal Council as the international ruling body for the Native American Nations collectively, along with the duties and responsibilities entrusted to said Council.
* To relocate and remove over the course of ten years all United States and Canadian citizens not eligible for NAN citizenship from the lands ceded to the Native American Nations.
* To establish reserved lands within the Native American Nations for the residence of those people who wish to remain in NAN territory but who are not eligible for citizenship at this time.
* To establish Seattle as an extraterritorial extension of the United States of America with the exception of Mercer Island, which is ceded from this point forward to the Salish Council and renamed Council Island, for the purpose of establishing embassies to the US from the Native American Nations.
* To establish the Council of Denver as a body designated to oversee the implementation of thise treaty and to govern the city of Denver, hereafter called the Front Range Free Zone, and to divide control of the Front Range Free Zone among the signatories who share interests in that area; specifically, Aztlan, the Pueblo Council, the Sioux Nation, the United States, and the Ute Nation.