| - In 2367, Lieutenant Commander Data was able to establish a neural link with Captain Picard, who had been assimilated into the Collective. Utilizing this link, Data successfully planted a command into the Borg collective consciousness, misdirecting all the drones on a Borg cube attacking Earth to believe it was time to regenerate, effectively putting them all to sleep. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" )
| - In 2367, Lieutenant Commander Data was able to establish a neural link with Captain Picard, who had been assimilated into the Collective. Utilizing this link, Data successfully planted a command into the Borg collective consciousness, misdirecting all the drones on a Borg cube attacking Earth to believe it was time to regenerate, effectively putting them all to sleep. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II" ) In 2368, four drones of Unimatrix 01 crash landed on a planet in the Delta Quadrant, causing their link to the Collective to become severed. When three of the drones began expressing a desire to remain separate from the Collective, Seven of Nine injected them with nanoprobes, creating new interlink nodes in their brains, forming a new neural link between the three of them. This link remained active, even after they had been re-assimilated into the Collective. (VOY: "Survival Instinct") In 2373, the group of former drones known as "the Cooperative" established a neural link with Commander Chakotay, first officer of the USS Voyager, in order to transmit neuro-electric energy with which to heal serious injuries he had sustained. Later, using the residual neural link they maintained with him, they influenced Chakotay to reactivate the neuro-electric field generator of a derelict Borg cube, and redirecting it towards their colony, forcibly establishing a new neural link amongst all of the inhabitants. (VOY: "Unity") The next year, Chakotay utilized a neural transceiver to establish a link with Seven of Nine, who was attempting to assimilate Voyager. Chakotay was able to keep Seven distracted long enough for the Voyager crew to initiate a power surge, disabling her. (VOY: "Scorpion, Part II")