| - Stagger is an enhancement set in the stun category. The level range of Stagger is 10 to 30. All enhancements in the set are uncommon. Crafted versions of Stagger enhancements can be made from recipes earned in-game. Attuned versions can be purchased separately from the Paragon Market, or as a bundle of all five for 400 Paragon Points.
- Similar to Break in Xenoblade Chronicles, an enemy or party member inflicted with Stagger will lose their resistance to Topple. If the enemy is sufficiently large, a Skell can Bind them.
- Stagger is the Beetle Spy Ranger of the Beastly Spy Rangers.
- While staggered, the chain gauge will steadily decrease (although percentage damage may still build as usual), and the enemy stops being staggered and has its chain bonus reset to 100% when the timer runs out. In the Easy Mode of Final Fantasy XIII, a mode available in the Japanese and PC versions only, staggered enemies receive much more damage than in Normal Mode.
- Stagger is the 3rd Advanced Extra stage of Super Monkey Ball 2 and the 8th Advanced Extra stage of Super Monkey Ball Deluxe.
- Spell available to players when equipping a Bandit Sorcerer's Wand
- Stagger is part of the cross-class combos system in Dragon Age II. It can only be inflicted by a Warrior. Mages and rogues can exploit a staggered foe. __TOC__
- Stagger is a member and one of the four main founders (along with Blake, Edâ„¢, and Nintendoer) of the ZNG. He is the oldest (read: wisest) of all ZNG members. Stagger provided the organization posts for Tri Force Heroes friend play gatherings for the ZNG. Another activity he facilitated was play style (3DS friend code) exchanges, by the use of Straggler. He is also one of three people to successfully complete the Triple Bear Challenge, along with Justin86 and Nintendoer.
- Stagger is a state that characters enter under certain conditions, most commonly, when their attack has been succesfully Blocked. As expected, this only works with close-range attacks. When a character enters Stagger, an animation is activated, in which the character is thrown off balance. During the full course of this animation, the character is completely vulnerable to attack. The ability Riposte improves the Ciritcal hit chance against a staggering opponent, making a combination of Guarding and Riposte ideal for characters such as Exdeath.
- Prior to the update which stopped Stagger giving experience when it missed, it was used as a method for Magic training. Some players preferred to use sacred clay armour in order to double the amount of experience gained per spell. The popular locations that were used for training with Stagger are Edgeville, casting at skeletons in the first few levels of the Wilderness; at the caged Monk of Zamorak at Varrock Palace and in the Magic Guild cellar, where there are caged zombies. However, any location with a safe spot may have been used.