The first manga, by manga creator Ayato Sasakura, was serialized in the monthly seinen manga magazine Dengeki Daioh, which started on February 1, 2005, published by MediaWorks. It is an adaptation of the light novel series and consists of ten volumes. The first bound volume hit shelves October 27, 2005. At Comic-Con 2006, it was announced that VIZ Media licensed the manga for the US market. VIZ released the first volume of the manga (translated by Yuki Yoshioka & Cindy H. Yamauchi) on April 17, 2007. Later volumes were translated by Yumi Okamoto & Mark Giambruno.
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| - Shakugan no Shana (Manga Series)
| - The first manga, by manga creator Ayato Sasakura, was serialized in the monthly seinen manga magazine Dengeki Daioh, which started on February 1, 2005, published by MediaWorks. It is an adaptation of the light novel series and consists of ten volumes. The first bound volume hit shelves October 27, 2005. At Comic-Con 2006, it was announced that VIZ Media licensed the manga for the US market. VIZ released the first volume of the manga (translated by Yuki Yoshioka & Cindy H. Yamauchi) on April 17, 2007. Later volumes were translated by Yumi Okamoto & Mark Giambruno.
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| - The first manga, by manga creator Ayato Sasakura, was serialized in the monthly seinen manga magazine Dengeki Daioh, which started on February 1, 2005, published by MediaWorks. It is an adaptation of the light novel series and consists of ten volumes. The first bound volume hit shelves October 27, 2005. At Comic-Con 2006, it was announced that VIZ Media licensed the manga for the US market. VIZ released the first volume of the manga (translated by Yuki Yoshioka & Cindy H. Yamauchi) on April 17, 2007. Later volumes were translated by Yumi Okamoto & Mark Giambruno.