| - Kurenai, lub "odkupieni" w języku draenei, to frakcja Złamanych draenei, którzy uciekli z niewoli u licznych łowców niewolników grasujących w Outland i założyli nowy dom w Telaarze w południowym Nagrandzie. To stąd poszukują swego nowego przeznaczenia. Utrzymują również niewielką reprezentację w Przystani Oreborskiej w Zangarmarsh.
- The Kurenai, Draenei for "redeemed", are a faction of Broken draenei who have escaped the grasp of their various slavers in Outland and have made their home at Telaar in southern Nagrand. It is there that they seek to rediscover their destiny. They also maintain a small presence at Orebor Harborage in Zangarmarsh.
- Los Kurenai, son una facción de Broken Draenei redimidos que han escapado de la esclavitud a la que estaban sometidos en diversas zonas de Outland y que se han establecido en Telaar, un reducto accesible por puentes colgantes al sur de Nagrand y, en menor medida, en Orebor Harborage en Zangarmarsh donde tratan de redescubrir su destino.
- Kurenai (紅, Kurenai) is a character from Sengoku 3. Her name means "crimson". __TOC__
- New red dagger released by the Ninja Association. Named for its beautiful but ghastly color.
- Kurenai was a teenage girl and the only person whom Kurei felt affection towards at the time. She was killed by Kouran Mori, as he wanted Kurei to be totally disconnected from his emotions and loyal solely to him, but Kurei used his power to make her a part of his flame. At the end of the Manga, after Kurei and his younger brother Recca Hanabishi destroy Kōran (who is at the time, merged with the ultimate Madogu, Tendō Jigoku), all the Madogus shatter and become useless and the flame spirits of Kurenai and Jisho fade out of existence. In the English version of the anime, she is voiced by Kris Rundle also voices Fuko Kirisawa.
- Truly an exquisite piece of art, her every feature, carved into the body she inhibits is truly a gift from those above. The skin of the fairest wraps her body, as she glows even in the solemn night. The poise that she stands, her height only adds to the air of elegance that surrounds her. An elegant smile plastered on her face, it is soon unveiled to be a bewitching taunt of blood, accompanied with the crimson eyes that pierce into one's innermost desires, she is a force, that cannot be resisted. The locks of raven-black hair that fall below her waist traverse alongside her in the wind, parting at the center of her face, their black radiance falls upon, just below her eyes.