| - In Master of Magic, a Fantastic Unit is one of the three primary unit categories. A Fantastic Unit (sometimes referred to as "Fantastic Creature(s)") is a unit that has been summoned, created, or transformed by magic. This sets it apart from Normal Units, which are produced or recruited by purely mundane means, and Heroes, which are significantly different in mechanical terms.
| - In Master of Magic, a Fantastic Unit is one of the three primary unit categories. A Fantastic Unit (sometimes referred to as "Fantastic Creature(s)") is a unit that has been summoned, created, or transformed by magic. This sets it apart from Normal Units, which are produced or recruited by purely mundane means, and Heroes, which are significantly different in mechanical terms. The game contains 44 different types of Fantastic Units, most of which belong to the File:Icon Nature.png, File:Icon Chaos.png and File:Icon Death.png realms. Although there are plenty of File:Icon MultiFigureUnit.png Fantastic Units, most are File:Icon SingleFigureUnit.png - and among those are some of the strongest units in the entire game. The strongest Fantastic Units are hard to match in sheer strength, and may even pose a strong danger to high-level enemy Champions. Even low-tier Fantastic Units can be very powerful compared to most Normal Units. Fantastic Units obey certain rules that strongly distinguish them from other units. Most of the time, a Fantastic Unit is created as a direct result of casting a Summoning Spell. Each Fantastic Unit is associated with a specific Magical Realm, which can have plenty of implications for that unit. Fantastic Units almost always require an Upkeep Cost to be paid in File:Icon Mana.png each turn for their continued existence. Fantastic Units also make up the entirety of garrisons inside Encounter Zones, and such armies can be exceedingly dangerous. These zones may occassionally spew forth a Rampaging Monster army to try and damage nearby empires - and they can be very difficult to stop.