Cheyenne is a 1954 American Western film starring Don Sorenson, Lucy Baites and Peter Ackersol. The film revolved around the eponymous Colorado city of Cheyenne and the conflict between a corrupt mayor (Ackersol) and a US Marshal (Sorenson) sent to reclaim control over the lawless city in 1886. The film was a major critical and commercial success, and was nominated for numerous awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture. Cheyenne and a film headlined by Sorenson's friend Grant Kerouac, Scoundrels at Sea, combined to gross more than every other Hollywood film of 1954 combined. In 1984, the Library of Congress selected Cheyenne for preservation, and the film has enjoyed robust popularity as one of the most successful and well-regarded staples of the Western genre.
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| - Cheyenne (film) (Napoleon's World)
| - Cheyenne is a 1954 American Western film starring Don Sorenson, Lucy Baites and Peter Ackersol. The film revolved around the eponymous Colorado city of Cheyenne and the conflict between a corrupt mayor (Ackersol) and a US Marshal (Sorenson) sent to reclaim control over the lawless city in 1886. The film was a major critical and commercial success, and was nominated for numerous awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture. Cheyenne and a film headlined by Sorenson's friend Grant Kerouac, Scoundrels at Sea, combined to gross more than every other Hollywood film of 1954 combined. In 1984, the Library of Congress selected Cheyenne for preservation, and the film has enjoyed robust popularity as one of the most successful and well-regarded staples of the Western genre.
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| - Cheyenne is a 1954 American Western film starring Don Sorenson, Lucy Baites and Peter Ackersol. The film revolved around the eponymous Colorado city of Cheyenne and the conflict between a corrupt mayor (Ackersol) and a US Marshal (Sorenson) sent to reclaim control over the lawless city in 1886. The film was a major critical and commercial success, and was nominated for numerous awards, including the Academy Award for Best Picture. Cheyenne and a film headlined by Sorenson's friend Grant Kerouac, Scoundrels at Sea, combined to gross more than every other Hollywood film of 1954 combined. In 1984, the Library of Congress selected Cheyenne for preservation, and the film has enjoyed robust popularity as one of the most successful and well-regarded staples of the Western genre.