| - In less than ideal sensor conditions, a ship could be identified by the pattern of its shield harmonics. (VOY: "Innocence") In 2366, when the non-corporeal Koinonians drained antimatter from the antimatter pods to use it as energy to create their replica of Marla Aster, it was stopped by increasing the shield harmonics to match the antimatter containment, effectively severing the Koinonian beam. (TNG: "The Bonding" ) In 2375, One, an advanced Borg drone with 29th century technology, remodulated Voyager's shields to break the ship free of a Borg sphere's tractor beam. (VOY: "Drone")
- A shield frequency', shield harmonic, or shield modulation refers to the frequency settings of the shield emitters on a particular starship or other shielded location. The Borg use regenerative shields which constantly remodulate their shield frequencies to best resist enemy fire. (TNG episodes: "Q Who?", "The Best of Both Worlds, Part I" et al.)
| - In less than ideal sensor conditions, a ship could be identified by the pattern of its shield harmonics. (VOY: "Innocence") In 2366, when the non-corporeal Koinonians drained antimatter from the antimatter pods to use it as energy to create their replica of Marla Aster, it was stopped by increasing the shield harmonics to match the antimatter containment, effectively severing the Koinonian beam. (TNG: "The Bonding" ) In 2371, Lursa and B'Etor were able to inflict severe damage on the USS Enterprise-D after learning its shield frequencies through modifications of Geordi La Forge's VISOR. They were then able to adjust their Bird-of-Prey's disruptors and torpedoes to pass through the Enterprise's shields. (Star Trek Generations) The Vidiian starship that attacked the USS Voyager in 2371 was capable of continuously matching Voyager's shield frequencies, allowing them to clamp directly onto the hull. (VOY: "Fury") In 2372, a shuttlecraft piloted by Tom Paris penetrated the shields of a Pralor starship by matching shield harmonics with those of the Pralor subspace defense field. (VOY: "Prototype") In 2375, One, an advanced Borg drone with 29th century technology, remodulated Voyager's shields to break the ship free of a Borg sphere's tractor beam. (VOY: "Drone") Later that year, Lieutenant Commander Tuvok developed a new shield modulation which was hoped would be effective against the weapons of Devore warships. (VOY: "Counterpoint") In 2376, the USS Equinox successfully engaged the USS Voyager after learning its shield frequencies. Although Voyager remodulated its shields several times, each time the new frequencies were passed to the Equinox by their EMH, which had been switched with that of Voyager. (VOY: "Equinox, Part II") While aboard a Borg installation, Janeway monitored the shield modulation of a Borg drone as it passed through one of the ship's internal force field. By adjusting her bio-dampener to the modulation of 324.95 she was able to walk through the force field, however her bio-dampener was destroyed in the process. (VOY: "Dark Frontier")
- A shield frequency', shield harmonic, or shield modulation refers to the frequency settings of the shield emitters on a particular starship or other shielded location. The Borg use regenerative shields which constantly remodulate their shield frequencies to best resist enemy fire. (TNG episodes: "Q Who?", "The Best of Both Worlds, Part I" et al.) An unusual hybrid starship encountered by the USS Enterprise-D in 2370 included Borg components and operated with a Borg shield structure, the constant shift in shield frequencies made it hard to gain a proper sensor lock on the vessel to learn anything about it. (TNG comic: "Strategy") If an attacker is aware of the shield frequency of a given ship they can adjust their weapons frequency accordingly to fire through the shields, this tactic was used in 2371 in a devastating attack on the USS Enterprise-D. (TNG movie: Star Trek Generations) In 2376, the USS Equinox successfully engaged the USS Voyager after obtaining her shield frequencies. Although the crew of Voyager remodulated their shields on several occasions, the new frequencies were passed on to the Equinox by their EMH, who had been switched with Voyager's EMH. (VOY episode: "Equinox, Part II")