| - Shmi Skywalker was de moeder van Anakin Skywalker en de grootmoeder van Luke Skywalker en Leia Organa.
- Shmi Skywalker was the mother of Anakin Skywalker. She was a slave on Tatooine until she was bought by Clieg Lars who freed and married her.
- Shmi Skywalker war die Mutter von Anakin Skywalker. Sie beide waren Sklaven vom Sklavenhänder Watto. Qui Gon Jinn schaffte es Anakin zu befreien.
- Shmi Skywalker, to niewolnica mieszkająca na Tatooine, matka Anakina Skywalkera i zarazem babcia Leii i Luke'a. Z niewoli wykupił ją jej przyszły mąż, farmer wilgoci Cliegg Lars. Kilka lat później została porwana przez Tuskenów. Na skutek tortur umarła na rękach jej syna, który odnalazł ją w obozowisku Tuskenów. Kategoria:Postacie
- Shmi Skywalker Lars è conosciuta come il più vecchio antenato degli Skywalker, era la madre del Jedi Anakin Skywalker, e la nonna di Luke Skywalker e Leia Organa Solo. Nata su un Pianeta sconosciuto, Shmi fu venduta alla Schiavitù fin da piccola. Nel 42 BBY fece nascere un bambino di nome Anakin, e anche lui diventò schiavo. Essa teneva molto a cuore il figlio, e avrebbe fatto qualsiasi cosa per aiutarlo. Dopo che Anakin partì per diventare un Jedi nel 32 BBY, lei fu venduta a Cliegg Lars, egli le diede libertà e se la sposò. Prima della Guerra dei Cloni, Shmi morì tra le braccia di suo figlio dopo essere stata torturata brutalmente da una banda di predatori Tusken.
- Shmi Skywalker is the mother of Darth Vader. Although she doesn't appear ingame, her grave is involved in the quest, Grace of Shmi.
- Shmi Skywalker was a Jedi Master of the Jedi Council.
- Shmi Skywalker postać z serii Gwiezdne Wojny. Była matką Anakina Skywalkera.
- A loving, soft-spoken woman, Shmi Skywalker was determined to provide a better future for her only son, Anakin, than their lives as slaves could possibly offer. She knew her son was special—despite their hardship, Anakin was selfless, kind and gifted. His birth was extraordinary—there was no father. Some have speculated that it was the will of the Force that created Anakin in Shmi's womb. This would suggest that Anakin is the one spoken of in an ancient Jedi prophecy—the Chosen One who will bring balance to the Force. When Anakin was a toddler, Shmi and her son became the property of Gardulla the Hutt, and were brought to Mos Espa. Gardulla subsequently lost the pair to the Toydarian named Watto. Though none would ever confuse Watto with a humanitarian, he was nonetheless a fair owner who
- Shmi Skywalker var mor till Anakin Skywalker. Anakin reste från henne tillsammans med jediriddaren Qui-Gon Jinn för att bli tränad till jedi. Hon och Anakin var slavar som ägdes av den vresige skrothandlaren Watto.
- Szczegóły na temat jej rodziny nie są znane. Jako dziecko została porwana przez piratów i sprzedana jako thumb|214pxniewolnik. Służyła wielu właścicielom, między innymi Pi-Lippie. Był dla niej miły i nauczył ją cennych umiejętności technicznych. Choć obiecał zwrócić jej wolność, Pi-Lippa zmarł, zanim spełnił swoją obietnicę. Shmi stała się własnością jednego z krewnych Pi-Lippy, aż ostatecznie, wraz ze swoim nowo narodzonym synem, trafiła na Tatooine, w ręce Hutta Gardulli. Ta po kilku latach przegrała ją w zakładzie na rzecz Watto. Shmi wraz z synem zamieszkali w dzielnicy niewolników w Mos Espa.
- Shmi Skywalker was the mother of Anakin Skywalker, living with her son on Tatooine. She could recall no man having participated in his conception, though fortunately, I'm going to rise above taking an easy pot-shot at Swedish girls at this point. Either that or have to comment upon, and subsequently receive an unpleasant mental image of, the idea that Darth Plagueis, the goth-faced Muun, played a part in said conception. Hmm, maybe that's why she claimed she had no recollection of who it was? Interesting. But, I digress. It's possible that Shmi's promiscuity would not have been called into question quite so much had she not been found shamelessly flirting with Qui-Gon Jinn during his stay in her hovel. And by "hovel" I naturally mean "house", so don't get any ideas.
- Det Skywalker familien er en fiktiv familie i Star Wars serien. Inden for seriens fiktive univers , er Skywalkerne en afstamning med stærke iboende kapaciteter i forbindelse med Kraften . De Skywalkerne er de centrale figurer i sagaen: Luke Skywalker er hovedpersonen i den oprindelige trilogi og hans far Anakin er hovedpersonen i prequel trilogien. Indhold [hide] 1 Historie 2 Shmi Skywalker Lars 3 Anakin Skywalker 4 Luke Skywalker 5 Leia Skywalker 6 Mara Jade Skywalker 7 Ben Skywalker 8 Nat Skywalker 9 Kol Skywalker 10 Cade Skywalker 11 Family tree 12 Referencer 13 Eksterne links