| - Roger Dreadrage (Midhav Darkskull's name here) is a vicious pirate who privateers for the name of Spanish, his guild Rage's Marauders (and sometimes French). He has also been offered to privateer in the name of the East India Trading Company to which he is yet to decide. He has been involved in every step of the Caribbean since he arrived nearly 13 years ago. He was one of Jeremiah 'Jolly' Roger's crew mates before Jolly had even turned into an undead beast, and was the magician who invented Fury, initially a crystal powder. In his recent adventures he has joined an immortal sea warrior, Davy Jones, in the hunt for the mystical sword of Cortez as well as turned against the black hearted pirates of the Caribbean. He, along with many dozens of pirates, co-ordinated in freeing the Black Pearl
| - Roger Dreadrage (Midhav Darkskull's name here) is a vicious pirate who privateers for the name of Spanish, his guild Rage's Marauders (and sometimes French). He has also been offered to privateer in the name of the East India Trading Company to which he is yet to decide. He has been involved in every step of the Caribbean since he arrived nearly 13 years ago. He was one of Jeremiah 'Jolly' Roger's crew mates before Jolly had even turned into an undead beast, and was the magician who invented Fury, initially a crystal powder. In his recent adventures he has joined an immortal sea warrior, Davy Jones, in the hunt for the mystical sword of Cortez as well as turned against the black hearted pirates of the Caribbean. He, along with many dozens of pirates, co-ordinated in freeing the Black Pearl from the clutches of the Royal Navy to seek the help of Jack Sparrow in finding mystical objects, which led to his search for the Sword of Cortez, and owned a couple of ships, and is currently left with three warships - two bought, one stolen