| - The 18th Intelligence Squadron (18 IS) is a space control intelligence organization of the United States Air Force, located at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. The squadron provides, through space systems expertise, tailored intelligence to the planning, development, and execution of space control operations. The 18 IS consists of a headquarters element at Wright-Patterson AFB and two geographically separated detachments: Detachment 2, Osan AB, Korea; and Detachment 4, RAF Feltwell, United Kingdom.
| - The 18th Intelligence Squadron (18 IS) is a space control intelligence organization of the United States Air Force, located at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio. The squadron provides, through space systems expertise, tailored intelligence to the planning, development, and execution of space control operations. The 18 IS consists of a headquarters element at Wright-Patterson AFB and two geographically separated detachments: Detachment 2, Osan AB, Korea; and Detachment 4, RAF Feltwell, United Kingdom. The 18 IS is a subordinate unit to the 544th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Group, subordinate to Air Force Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Agency (AFISRA), a field operating agency subordinate to the Director of Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (HQ USAF/XOI). Through fixed and mobile sites, 18th IS provides scientific and technical collection to the NSA (National Security Agency), AFISRA, AFMC (Air Force Materiel Command), and 21st Space Wing, Passive Space Surveillance (21 SW/PASS) mission. Where available, also provides limited analysis to the entities.