Admiral of the Fleet Sir Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe GCB, GCMG, CVO (1865–1937), sometimes known as Sir Somerset Calthorpe, was a British Royal Navy admiral and a member of the Gough-Calthorpe family.
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe GCB, GCMG, CVO (1865–1937), sometimes known as Sir Somerset Calthorpe, was a British Royal Navy admiral and a member of the Gough-Calthorpe family.
Admiral of the Fleet Sir Somerset Arthur Gough-Calthorpe GCB, GCMG, CVO (1865–1937), sometimes known as Sir Somerset Calthorpe, was a British Royal Navy admiral and a member of the Gough-Calthorpe family.