| - The Voyager worm is a worm that was posted on the Internet on October 31, 2005, and is designed to target Oracle databases. Known variants First, non-malicious, example October 31, 2005. Second example December 29, 2005, which attempts to stop remote Oracle listeners on machines that have not been properly secured. Affected platforms Any Operating System running Oracle Databases.
- The Voyagers were race that originated from the Wildstorm Universe.
- "Voyager" is a track from Final Fantasy XI. It was composed by Naoshi Mizuta.
- Voyager is a trophy.
- A Human wrestler that was fighting with Stan Harrison against Mitsuharu Mishima and Giant Haba in an All-Japan Pro Wrestling match at Korakuen Gardens. The DMp then interfered in the match and his body parts got torn off by Tel-Tel Boy's Slicing antennae. (Parody of Big Van Vader.)
- Name: Voyager Run Time: 4:42 Written By: Steve Howe, Paul Sutin Year: 1995
* Light Walls - (Steve Howe)
- The Voyager is a British Royal Naval ship in The Piratica Series.
- Making a name for themselves by traveling oceans and uncharted waters. Their passion for exploration will not be deterred by any dangers that lie before them.
- A monophonic synth produced by Moog Music and based on the original Minimoog. The Voyager was the first product to be put into production by the reconstituted Moog Music in 2002.
- Voyager is a Doctor Who comic strip. It has been printed through various publications.
- "Voyager" is the tenth track from Daft Punk's second studio album, Discovery.
- Уровень оформлен различными 1.9 декорациями, хоть и сделан в 2.0. И при этом имеет очень красивые эффекты и анимации. Уровень оценили многие опытные строители игры. Длина уровня - 1 минута 16 секунд. Уровень является не очень популярным среди уровней со сложностью frameless|32px|link=Уровни сложности#Demon (Демон).
- Voyager once travelled to Alexandria and opened the way for ships to time travel thither. Astrolabus took this chance and left Earth. Astrolabus stole some charts from Voyager, who ordered the Doctor to return them, holding him responsible as a fellow Time Lord. (COMIC: Voyager) When the Doctor caught Astrolabus, Voyager summoned a storm that killed the thief. (COMIC: Once Upon a Time Lord)
- Voyager is a bow-using Rogue. You become a Voyager by going to the Rogue Union Trainer in Alker Harbor when your Rogue Character reaches level 20. Accept the Voyager Job Change quest from her then after completion you will become a Voyager. Voyagers specialize in bow techniques, but can still use a Dagger by choice. This is the recommended Job Upgrade for Elves who have a better talent at archery.
- Voyager may refer to:
* Voyager (web browser)
* LG Voyager, a mobile phone model manufactured by LG Electronics
* NCR Voyager, a computer platform produced by NCR Corporation
* Voyager (computer worm), a computer worm affecting Oracle databases
* Voyager (web browser) a web browser for Amiga computers.
- Voyager is an Intrepid Class ship from the Star Trek TV series Voyager. It was unique from the other movie ships in several repects.
- Voyager ist eine 5-teilige Comic-Geschichte von Steve Parkhouse und John Ridgway, die erstmals von Juli bis November 1984 im Doctor Who Magazine erschien.
- Voyager in 2371, with a crew of 141, is assigned to track down a Maquis ship in "the Badlands". An alien force called the Caretaker transports both Voyager and the Maquis vessel across 70,000 light-years to the Delta Quadrant, damaging Voyager and killing several crewmembers (including first officer Lt. Cmdr. Cavit, chief medical officer Dr. Fitzgerald and the rest of the medical staff, helm officer Stadi, and the chief engineer). In order to prevent a genocide of the Ocampans, Janeway orders the destruction of a device that could transport Voyager and the Maquis vessel home. Stranded, and with the Maquis ship also destroyed, both crews must integrate and work together for the anticipated 75-year journey home
- The USS Voyager (NCC-74656) is an TIT-class Federation pram. It was launched in 0967 and was under the command of Captain Wala Boer. Voyager featured improved computer systems in which some traditional optical processors were replaced with bio-neural circuitry. The ship's maximum warp is 0.001. Voyager was also equipped with conventional isolinear optical circuits. Voyager also had the capability of landing on the surface of a tit inclusive nipple with its pimped out hydraulics. there was no extra sex room so this ship totally sucks! NO-LIFE PEOPLE (2371-2378) Officers: Nurse - Kes (2371-2374)