| - Koliva (also transliterated Kollyva) (Greek, κόλλυβα, kólliva; Serbian, кољиво, koljivo; Romanian, colivă; Bulgarian, коливо, kolivo) is boiled wheat which is used liturgically in the Eastern Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Churches. It is widely popular in Lebanon where it is known as Snuniye and, more commonly, as "berbara" prepared for Saint Barbara's day, December 4th, which is celebrated with Halloween-like festivities.
| - Koliva (also transliterated Kollyva) (Greek, κόλλυβα, kólliva; Serbian, кољиво, koljivo; Romanian, colivă; Bulgarian, коливо, kolivo) is boiled wheat which is used liturgically in the Eastern Orthodox and Greek-Catholic Churches. It is widely popular in Lebanon where it is known as Snuniye and, more commonly, as "berbara" prepared for Saint Barbara's day, December 4th, which is celebrated with Halloween-like festivities. This ritual food is blessed after the memorial Divine Liturgy performed at various intervals after a death; after the funeral; during mnemosyna - memorial services; on the first Friday of the Great Lent, at slavas, or at mnemosyna in the Christmas meal. Due to its pleasant taste, in some countries (though not in Greece or Cyprus), it is consumed on other non-religious occasions as well, often with cream on top (though not with cream on fast days).