YVH 2-4S, also known as Two-Four-S, was an advanced YVH S-series battle droid with masculine programming produced by Tendrando Arms during the Yuuzhan Vong War. In 27 ABY, he and another YVH droid were part of a mainly Jedi strike team tasked with going to the Yuuzhan Vong–controlled planet of Myrkr and eliminating the threat of the voxyn, a group of genetically-engineered predators who could hunt the Jedi through the Force. After commandeering the corvette analog Exquisite Death from its Yuuzhan Vong owners, YVH 2-4S and the strike team inserted themselves onto the Baanu Rass worldship, which was orbiting Myrkr. There, 2-4S and the group rescued a pair of Dark Jedi whom the Yuuzhan Vong had imprisoned. However, soon after arriving on the worldship, YVH 2-4S was destroyed when he sacrifice
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| - YVH 2-4S era un droide de batalla de la serie-S desarrollado por Tendrando Arms. 2-4S fue parte del equipo de ataque de Myrkr en la Misión a Myrkr durante la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong. 2-4S fue destruido en acción, sacrificándose para destruir a unos yorik-ets que buscaban al equipo de ataque.
- YVH 2-4S, also known as Two-Four-S, was an advanced YVH S-series battle droid with masculine programming produced by Tendrando Arms during the Yuuzhan Vong War. In 27 ABY, he and another YVH droid were part of a mainly Jedi strike team tasked with going to the Yuuzhan Vong–controlled planet of Myrkr and eliminating the threat of the voxyn, a group of genetically-engineered predators who could hunt the Jedi through the Force. After commandeering the corvette analog Exquisite Death from its Yuuzhan Vong owners, YVH 2-4S and the strike team inserted themselves onto the Baanu Rass worldship, which was orbiting Myrkr. There, 2-4S and the group rescued a pair of Dark Jedi whom the Yuuzhan Vong had imprisoned. However, soon after arriving on the worldship, YVH 2-4S was destroyed when he sacrifice
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| - *New Republic
**Myrkr strike team
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| - *Propulsion rockets
*Built-in comlink
*Sensor package
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| - *Blaster cannon
| - YVH 2-4S era un droide de batalla de la serie-S desarrollado por Tendrando Arms. 2-4S fue parte del equipo de ataque de Myrkr en la Misión a Myrkr durante la Guerra Yuuzhan Vong. 2-4S fue destruido en acción, sacrificándose para destruir a unos yorik-ets que buscaban al equipo de ataque.
- YVH 2-4S, also known as Two-Four-S, was an advanced YVH S-series battle droid with masculine programming produced by Tendrando Arms during the Yuuzhan Vong War. In 27 ABY, he and another YVH droid were part of a mainly Jedi strike team tasked with going to the Yuuzhan Vong–controlled planet of Myrkr and eliminating the threat of the voxyn, a group of genetically-engineered predators who could hunt the Jedi through the Force. After commandeering the corvette analog Exquisite Death from its Yuuzhan Vong owners, YVH 2-4S and the strike team inserted themselves onto the Baanu Rass worldship, which was orbiting Myrkr. There, 2-4S and the group rescued a pair of Dark Jedi whom the Yuuzhan Vong had imprisoned. However, soon after arriving on the worldship, YVH 2-4S was destroyed when he sacrificed himself to eliminate two enemy coralskippers that had happened upon the team's location. The mission continued, however, and the voxyn were eliminated despite the loss of many members of the team.