Nojiko is the owner of a tangerine farm in Cocoyasi Village, and is the non-biological older sister of Nami. They were raised together by their adoptive mother, Bell-mère.
Nojiko ist die ältere von Bell-mères Adoptivtöchtern und Namis Schwester.
Nojiko è la sorella maggiore di Nami. Le due non sono sorelle biologiche, ma sono state entrambe adottate e cresciute da Bellmer.
Nojiko est la fille adoptive de Belmer, ainsi que la sœur adoptive de Nami (les deux filles ne sont pas liées par le sang, mais furent prises en charge toutes les deux par Belmer).
Nojiko (ノジコ, Nojiko?) es la hermana mayor adoptiva de Nami, junto ella, las dos fueron cuidadas por Bell-mère.
Nojiko is the owner of a tangerine farm in Cocoyasi Village, and is the non-biological older sister of Nami. They were raised together by their adoptive mother, Bell-mère.