| - The Cave of Dragonflies is a Pokémon fan site. The main site's content is a little bit of everything, usually featuring whatever the owner feels like putting there, but includes reviews of the Pokémon movies and spin-off games, Fan Fiction (two of which have their own pages here), game guides, a Pokémon-themed calendar, tutorials, personality tests and an unimaginably long marquee. It also has a reasonably active forum that used to be known for drama and is now better known for the overwhelmingly atheist, liberal and LGBT/QUILTBAG memberbase. This website provides examples of:
| - The Cave of Dragonflies is a Pokémon fan site. The main site's content is a little bit of everything, usually featuring whatever the owner feels like putting there, but includes reviews of the Pokémon movies and spin-off games, Fan Fiction (two of which have their own pages here), game guides, a Pokémon-themed calendar, tutorials, personality tests and an unimaginably long marquee. It also has a reasonably active forum that used to be known for drama and is now better known for the overwhelmingly atheist, liberal and LGBT/QUILTBAG memberbase. This website provides examples of:
* Ban on Politics: Averted.
* Cast Full of Gay: Well, forum.
* Fanfic
* Fora
* Forum Pecking Order: Mostly played straight, with Butterfree at the top.
* Play-By-Post Games: Always has at least one running on the forums.
* Self-Deprecation: In every poll that the owner has put on her site, she always includes 'You suck' as an option, no matter the subject.
* Troll: Turbo, who has come back to the forum no less than sixteen times (and most likely more) after his first ban.