| - "If we keep the relics, we gain a bit of connection to the Targaryen mystique, but lose the chance to make a beneficial gesture to Daenerys."
- "We'll keep these relics, and use them to advance the legitimacy of the Targaryen legacy."
- "My [lord/lady], we must make a decision regarding the Targaryen relics from Algaerys' Keep. The ship for Essos departs soon..."
- "If we send the relics to Daenerys, it will be months before she receives them, if ever. In the meantime, they could have been doing more good here."
- "Maester Lucas, what do we gain by keeping the relics here?"
- "What is the sense of sending the relics to Essos, Rona?"
- "We'll send these relics to Daenerys Stormborn, helping her reclaim the Iron Throne."