| - Silver the Hedgehog is in the royal family's living room, looking at a picture of Lara-Su and Sonic's children. King Sonic and Queen Sally have just tucked the children in bed, and they talk to Silver about the happenings within the past five years, as well as the current timeline, consisting of Lien-Da and the Dark Presence. Silver is completely out-of-date with the current timeline and gets most of the conversation mixed up. Sonic acts levelheaded about the conversation, and stops Sally and Silver from getting into an argument. While the trio continue their conversation, Lara-Su confronts Rutan about his mother's whereabouts, at his house. He denies seeing her, blaming Lara-Su and her relatives for her departure. Dimitri then appears between the two, preventing Lara-Su and Rutan from getting into a fight. Dimitri tries to comfort Lara-Su about Lien-Da, and how she stopped King Shadow, during his reign of terror. Back at Castle Mobius, Silver considers rounding up the Knothole Freedom Fighters, only to discover that they have been dismantled for years. Sally says that the Chaotix are scattered around Mobius, but considers calling up Tails and his family. Meanwhile, Tails opens his door of his hotel room, thinking it's room service, only to be gassed by the Dark Presence. Mina Mongoose notices, and quickly runs out of the door, with her children in her arms. She puts Melody and Skye by a curb, and orders them to find an E.S.T. officer or the Guardian, while she goes to help her husband. Mina boldly confronts the Dark Presence, but is quickly gassed by one of the team members. While Lara-Su heads back to Castle Mobius, she thinks to herself about Dimitri's words and how she only went to Rutan to blow off some steam and that her actions almost got King Sonic killed. She then spots the Dark Presence heading toward Castle Mobius and immediately goes on the attack, but quickly recovers as realization hits her that this is not the way things should be done and instead uses the ninja skills taught her by her Uncle Espio. Back at Castle Mobius, Misty-Re (a Dark Presence sleeper agent posing as a maid) offers the royal family refreshments and flirts with Silver, asking if he was the brave one who saved their king. Silver admits he saved Sonic to which she pulls out a gun from under the napkin and gasses him. Sonic then gasses her, and tells Sally to take herself and the kids to the panic room. After an argument over what to do, Sally and Sonic quickly give each other a goodbye-kiss, and Sonic runs off. He discovers Lara-Su in his castle, battling some Dark Presence members. Unfortunately, the security system has suddenly turned against them, but Sonic and Lara-Su jump out of a castle window before being tagged by the lasers. They find Skye and Melody on the street, and try their best to calm them down. Sonic promises to help out the children the best he can, but doesn't know where to hide. Lara-Su tells Sonic that Argyle (Vector's son) has a safe place to hide, and so the four of them head to Argyle's. Back at Castle Mobius, Lien-Da gets report on the Dark Presence's work. They have secured Tails and Mina in their room, they have confined the castle staff to their rooms and they have hacked the security service. Afterwards, Lien-Da heads to the pod, where King Shadow is kept holding. She brings along the Chaos Syphon to bring back Shadow's power. They then charge the pod up, releasing Shadow from his stasis and back to power.
- Archie Sonic Universe Issue 6 is the sixth issue of the spin-off Sonic Universe comic series published by Archie Comics.