| - USS Carthage was a Miranda-class starship in service to Starfleet in the early to mid 24th century. In 2327, the Carthage had a layover at Starbase Earhart. While there, first officer Commander Rachel Garrett fist met and befriended Ensign Marta Batanides. (ST - The Lost Era novel: Well of Souls) In 2328, the Carthage was the location of three-way talks between the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Cardassian Union, regarding control of the planet Raknal V. It was during these talks that the crew of the Carthage discovered covert fleets of both Klingon and Cardassian vessels hiding within the nearby Betreka Nebula. In 2343, the Carthage returned to Raknal V, with Commander Elias Vaughn, who had been part of the earlier mission. The shuttlecraft Hoplite was one of the shuttlecraft assigned to the Carthage. (ST - The Lost Era novel: The Art of the Impossible)