| - She plays major roles in Distant War and Rebellion. In Distant War she is responsible for the potion that weakens the enemy army, and in Rebellion she helps sway the Natives into joining the Roudange Cause. After the quest, she can be found inside of the Guthixian Church. If you talk to Phantuwti Fanstuwi Farsight, the conversation will follow.
* Phantuwti Fanstuwi Farsight: Greetings and- Oh, it's you again Player.
* Player: Hello Phantuwi!
* Phantuwti Fanstuwi Farsight: How's your adventures going?
* Player: Not too bad thanks!
* Phantuwti Fanstuwi Farsight: Well that's great to hear. Say, tell Lana that I send my love to her, and hoping that she will forget about the past. After all, she is my little sister, and I don't want her to get hurt.
* Player: Will do Farsight! Later! If you talk to Lana after the quest:
* Lana Ceb: Welcome to- Oh, hello again Player! I thank you a lot for helping me get used to these lands!
* Player: It was not a problem!
* Lana Ceb: By the way, how's Phantuwi doing?
* Player: He's doing alright. He's hanging in there.
* Lana Ceb: Well, I hope so! I don't want my big brother to get hurt now do I?
* Player: Not at all ma'dam! Good bye!
* Lana Ceb: Fairwell Player, and make Guthix be with you.