| - DB: "thinks every religion has some truth to it. My Muslim friends are right that Jesus was not the son of god. My Christian friends are right that Mohammed was not god's prophet. My Hindu friends are right that there cannot be one god. My Jewish friends are right that there is certainly no more than one god. My Buddhist friends are right that one's conduct should not be affected by the gods. Lots of truths!" This is World University and School's open, free, editable Religious Studies' 'subject' page - . It presently has a significant evolutionary biology focus, as well as an atheistic one.
* o?, O?, Oh? ... or uh oh? ("Good minus God" - - may add to World University and School's Religious Studies subject page - - and/or its Nontheist f/Friends' page ). (There are also wiki Philosophy pages at WUaS - - with many MIT OCW courses, and for open people-to-people philosophizing, teaching and learning, as wiki, and potentially interactively online, as well).
- Religious studies is a subject that students and academics deal with at universities. 1.
* At best Religious studies is an academic subject dealing scientifically with religious belief taking into account sociology, anthropology and many other subjects, even neuroscience. 2.
* At worst Religious studies is taught as part of a theology course and is as unscientific as all religious faith.