Impossibly dedicated and invariably outspoken, Mahi Mahi Mindy's on a marine-life conservation mission that makes her one of the most passionate Dexteras. With the power of the ocean's bounty behind her, Mindy will make the Sinistras feel like fish out of water! When she was against Rolf the Reaper,she used the ability to summon fish, but it didn't work because fish can't breathe on land. However, Pinky gave her Rolf the Reaper's journal and she read it and rolf started crying and Mindy won the match. She is portrayed by Zoe Martin. She may be in love with Gill.
Impossibly dedicated and invariably outspoken, Mahi Mahi Mindy's on a marine-life conservation mission that makes her one of the most passionate Dexteras. With the power of the ocean's bounty behind her, Mindy will make the Sinistras feel like fish out of water! When she was against Rolf the Reaper,she used the ability to summon fish, but it didn't work because fish can't breathe on land. However, Pinky gave her Rolf the Reaper's journal and she read it and rolf started crying and Mindy won the match. She is portrayed by Zoe Martin. She may be in love with Gill. Her special is the sonar, and the Mahi Mahi Masher.
* Stats
* Power:66%
* Agility:82%
* Stamina:93%
* Activism:100%