| - Ariane is a Dalish elven warrior and one of three companions for the Warden-Commander in the Witch Hunt DLC for Dragon Age: Origins.
- Most of the world's population dies of disease in 1915. Infinite Worlds-128, Time Travel-97
- Ariane ist eine Dalish-Elfen Kriegerin und einer von drei Gefährten des Wächter-Kommandanten im Hexenjagd DLC für Dragon Age: Origins. Kategorie:Elfen Kategorie:Dalish Kategorie:Krieger Kategorie:Charaktere (Origins) Kategorie:Charaktere (Hexenjagd)
- Ariane is a level 171 Cra with green hair and a love of cheese. She is very happily married to Chrya.
- thumbthumb|left|ArianeDie Magierin heißt Ariane und stammt aus dem Dorf der Seher. Sie hat die wahrsagerischen Fähigkeiten der Seher geerbt und wurde im Turm und der Gilde der Magier ausgebildet. Sie hat sich mit fast jeder Spielart der Magie beschäftigt. Sie ist vernünftig und idealistisch und hat den fieberhaften Ehrgeiz, alle magischen Geheimnisse zu lüften und so die Welt zu verbessern. Kategorie:Nicht-Spieler-Charaktere Kategorie:Titelheld Kategorie:Spielupdates
- Le programme Ariane fut un programme européen d'exploration spatiale développé à partir de 1973. Les fusées Ariane furent utilisées par l'Agence Spatiale Européenne (créée en 1975) pour placer des satellites et des sondes spatiales dans l'espace. (Réalité extrapolée *) Une insigne de mission du programme Ariane est affichée au 602 Club en 2143. (ENT: "First Flight")
- Ariane is a character in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Ariane is a Hylian who can be found at the Tabantha Bridge Stable in the Tabantha Frontier region of Hyrule. This article is a stub. You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
- Ariane is the leader of the bandits occupying Portdun Watch.
- "Who are the Signature Heroes?" omschreef Ariane als een kalme vrouw die veel ideeën heeft. Ze is afkomstig uit Seers' Village en heeft haar kennis gekregen van de seers in het dorp. Ze heeft gestudeerd in de Wizards Tower en in de Wizard Guild en heeft op bijna iedere school gezeten die te maken had met magic. Ze is erg doelgericht om magische geheimen te ontdekken van Gielinor en wilt van Gielinor een betere plek maken.
- Ariane is a free-spirit intellect, she does not follow the superstitions of most Wizards of not exploring outside their comfort zone of a spellbook. She believes that knowledge should be explored and used to make the world a better place, and is determined to discover all the magical secrets of Gielinor. She seems to have a split personality, as during the Fremennik Sagas Three's Company, she literally spoke to herself, then responded. This may have been simply humour, or an actual trait.
- Airane is a company on the planet Earth who manufactures spacecraft. Ariane designed Austerlitz class ship. (SGA: "Legacy: Homecoming")
- Ariane is one of the anarchs within Los Angeles. Born in Chicago under the name of Jane, she was an attendant of the Succubus Club and was embraced by an fellow anarch, who found her punkish attitude alluring. After the War of Chicago, Ariane travelled westward, searching for new kicks and experiences, which she found in Hollywood and the Anarch Free State. In contrast to many other Brujah within the Free State, Ariane has no interest in politics and only vague awareness of the situation of the Free State. She only cares for her fun and blood.
- Die Ariane-Trägerrakete ist eine Rakete, die ab Ende der 1960er von der ESA (bzw. von EADS) entwickelt wurde, um unabhängig von der NASA oder der russischen Weltraumagentur Satelliten und Sonden in den Weltraum zu bringen. 2143 kann man ein Missionpatch einer Ariane-Mission im Club 602 sehen. (ENT: ) Kategorie:Menschlich Kategorie:Raumfahrt
- leftAriane é um dos sete heróis anunciada no Diário de Desenvolvimento. Trechos importantes da história de Ariane podem ser descobertos nas missões link=Missões|21px| Mistérios Rúnicos e link=Missões|21px| Memórias Rúnicas, características da heróina. Ela faz sua primeira aparição, junto com dois outros heróis da assinatura, Sir Owen e Ozan (a mestra ferreira Linza também é mencionada), nas Sagas Fremennik. Ariane é uma maga poderosa, e se não tivesse feito contato com demônios e expulsa da Torre dos Magos, poderia se tornar uma poderosa arquimaga.
- Ariane är ett företag på planeten Jorden som tillverkar rymdfarkoster. Ariane designade Austerlitz klass skeppet. (ATL: "Stargate Atlantis: Homecoming")
- Ariane is a free-spirit intellect, she does not follow the superstitions of most wizards of not exploring outside their comfort zone of a spellbook. She believes that knowledge should be explored and used to make the world a better place, and is determined to discover all the magical secrets of Gielinor. She considers all sources of knowledge to be valid and dislikes the cautious nature of modern wizardry. She tends to be very precise and dislikes vagueness and elaboration.