The War of the Five Kings is a major civil war in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros that erupts in the wake of the death of King Robert I. In essence, the war is at first a three-way battle for the Iron Throne fought alongside two independence movements. The five kings in question are Robert's heir apparent, Joffrey Baratheon, Robert's two younger brothers, Stannis and Renly Baratheon, the "King in the North" Robb Stark, and the "King of the Iron Islands" Balon Greyjoy.
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| - The War of the Five Kings is a major civil war in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros that erupts in the wake of the death of King Robert I. In essence, the war is at first a three-way battle for the Iron Throne fought alongside two independence movements. The five kings in question are Robert's heir apparent, Joffrey Baratheon, Robert's two younger brothers, Stannis and Renly Baratheon, the "King in the North" Robb Stark, and the "King of the Iron Islands" Balon Greyjoy.
- The War of the Five Kings was a large, multi-theatre war fought for control of the Iron Throne of Westeros. As the name implies, at one time during the war five people claimed the title of king: Joffrey, Stannis and Renly Baratheon all claimed the Iron Throne of Westeros, whilst Robb Stark claimed the title of King in the North and Balon Greyjoy claimed the title of King of the Iron Islands.
- The War of the Five Kings was a large, multi-theater conflict fought in Westeros from 298 AC until 300 AC, and culminated in the arrival of Aegon VI Targaryen and the attacks of Euron Greyjoy. As the name implies, over the course of the war five men claimed the title of king: Joffrey Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, and Renly Baratheon all claimed the Iron Throne, whilst the separatists Robb Stark and Balon Greyjoy attempted to secede their lands from the rule of the Iron Throne, with Robb claiming the titles of King in the North and King of and Balon claiming to be King of and the North.
| - 15(xsd:integer)
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15px|right|link=House Baratheon of Dragonstone House Baratheon of Dragonstone †
15px|right|link=House Florent House Florent
15px|right|link=House Seaworth Narrow Sea's vassals and mercenaries
15px|right|link=The Stormlands Various vassals
- ( )
15px|right|link=House Frey House Frey
- (''')
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15px|right|link=House Greyjoy Iron Islands
- Hill tribes of the Vale
- Rebel factions:
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15px|right|link=Renly Baratheon House Baratheon of Storm's End †
15px|right|link=The Reach House Tyrell
- Iron Throne:
15px|right|link=The Westerlands House Lannister
15px|right|link=Kingsguard Kingsguard
15px|right|link=Kingsguard King's Landing's City Watch
15px|right|link=The Riverlands House Frey
15px|right|link=The Crownlands House Baratheon of King's Landing †
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15px|right|link=House Karstark House Karstark
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conflict name
| - The War of the Five Kings
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| - "When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die. There is no middle ground."
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| - Hand of the King
- Maesters
- Gregor Clegane
- Euron Greyjoy
- Cersei Lannister
- Qyburn
- Robb Stark
- King of the Iron Islands
- King in the North
- Joffrey Baratheon
- King of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men
- Tommen Baratheon
- Jaime Lannister
- Jon Snow
- Ser
- Ser
- Hand of the King
- *Lord Robin Arryn
*Lord Petyr Baelish
*Lord Yohn Royce
King Renly I †
*Lord Mace Tyrell,
- *Dagmer Cleftjaw link=Execution
*Ralf Kenning †
- *Lady LyannaMormont
- *Prince Theon Greyjoy
- *Princess Yara Greyjoy
- *Ser Davos Seaworth
*Chieftain Tormund Giantsbane
- *Lord Jon "Greatjon"Umber †
*Lord Edmure Tully
*Ser Brynden Tully †
*Ser RodrikCassel link=Execution
*Lord Gregor Forrester†
*Lord Ethan Forrester†
*Lord Rodrik Forrester
*Lord RickardKarstark link=Execution
*Lord Jonos Bracken
*Lord Jason Mallister
*Lord GalbartGlover †
*Lady MaegeMormont †
*Lord Roose Bolton
*Lord Walder Frey
*Princess Sansa Stark
- *Ser KevanLannister †
*Ser StaffordLannister †
*Ser Gregor Clegane
*Ser AddamMarbrand
*Lord Leo Lefford
*Ser Harys Swyft
*Ser Amory Lorch †
*Lord Commander Janos Slynt
*Ser Bronn of the Blackwater
*Lord Mace Tyrell †
*Lord Randyll Tarly
*Ser Loras Tyrell †
*Lord Roose Bolton †
*Lord Ramsay Bolton link=Execution
- *Lord Ludd Whitehill
*Lord Harald Karstark
*Lord Jon 'Smalljon' Umber †