| - See also: List of years in comics
- [[Kategorie:Jahr (. Jahrhundert)|#]] [[Kategorie:| ]]
- The following are known to have been born in : The following passed away in the year :
- Nota: non fare click sull'IMMAGINE ma sul NOME per accedere alla pagina dedicata.
- King Richard's Faire Scenario: ????Special Event
- Año Mundial de las Comunicaciones por la Organización de las Naciones Unidas.
- The following are the baseball events of the year 1983 throughout the world.
- "1983" is a song by Neon Trees. {| class="collapsible collapsed" style="width: 100%; text-align: center;"
- The year 1983 receives a mention in the The Join Me anthem when Danny Wallace changes the nod-to-the-artist-formerly-known-as-Prince "party like it's 1999" lyric to "party like it's 1983". He goes on to explain that it was a "very good year for me, I was seven years old, enjoyed it a lot." Which only goes to show, our Leader has always known how to get the most out of life.
- 1983 (MCMLXXXIII) was a common year starting on Saturday (link displays the full calendar) of the Gregorian calendar, the 1983rd year of the Common Era (CE) and Anno Domini (AD) designations, the 983rd year of the 2nd millennium, the 83rd year of the 20th century, and the 4th year of the 1980s decade.
- Nintendo releases the Family Computer console in Japan. Shortly after its release, complaints begin to surface about rampant system instability, prompting Nintendo to issue a product recall and to rerelease the machine with a new motherboard.
- The year of our lord 1983 served as a prequel to the well known Nineteen Eighty-Four and sequel to the obscure 1982. Starting on a Saturday, many children began the year watching Saturday morning cartoons and many Jews began the year resting; things did not get much better for 1983 after that.
- 1982 > 1983 > 1984
- 1983 formed in Death
- 1983 is a year in Earth's calendar.
- 1983 is a year in the 20th century.
- 1983 is the fifteenth year for Nerf.
- 1983 was a common year starting on Saturday.
- 1983 was a year in the 20th century.
- This is a list of various things that took place in 1983.
- A list of events in 1983 related to Star Wars.
- A repository of events that occurred in 1983.
- All events that happened in 1983:
- Events concerning the Grand Theft Auto series in 1983.
- Dio - Holy Diver
- Events, births, and deaths in the year 1983.
- Følgende hendelser fant sted i 1983:
- In 1983 gebeurder het volgende:
- In 1983 gebeurder het volgende:
- In the Year of 1983 :-
- Les évènements suivants se déroulent en 1983 :
- Los siguientes eventos ocurrieron en 1983:
- Luettelo vuoden 1983 Tähtien sota -tapahtumista.
- Rok 1983 — druga połowa XX wieku.
- Sucesos ocurridos en la saga GTA en el año 1983.
- The following events occurred in the year 1983:
- The year 1983 AD.
- 1983 saw the publication of four Fighting Fantasy gamebooks as well as the boxset of the spell book and first volume in Steve Jackson's Sorcery! epic
- This article contains information in Soap Opera events that happened in 1983.
- Year 1983 was a common year starting on Saturday.
- Events in the year 1983 relating to Pirates of the Caribbean.
- (*) John Peel Torrent Compilation 8 of 17 (1967-1993)
- The mets finished 68-94 Keith Hernandez Was good at 1B Daryl Strawberry's 1st year as a met
- After being accidentally shot by Gene Hunt in 1982, Alex was plunged into another coma (in Gene Hunt's World) while waking up from her original coma in 2009. Hunt was forced into exile, fleeing to the Isle of Wight and then the Costa Brava, Spain after people accused him of shooting Drake on purpose. When slapped by Gene, Alex woke up in February 1983 from her coma in that world.
- Raccoon City's elephant parade, with Oscar as the star, stops running.
- Le 27 janvier, Louis de Funès, acteur français décède d'une overdose de grimaces
- 1983 (MCMLXXXIII) was a common year starting on Saturday of the Gregorian calendar.
- These events occured in 1983 in the world of hockey:
- Die wichtigsten Ereignisse, die im Jahr 1983 stattgefunden haben:
- A list of events in 1983 related to The Hardy Boys.
- La siguiente es una lista de eventos ocurridos en 1983 relacionados a Star Wars.
- 1983 was the year that came after 1982 and before 1984.
- 1983 - рік по григоріанському календарі, невисокосний, починається у суботу.
- preceding year: 1982 | proceeding year: 1984 In the year 1983:
* Old One Eye's fossilised skeleton was discovered with the remains of a Trans-Time ranger inside, during excavation of an extension to the London Underground. Professor Gizzard was killed at the Natural History Museum when he dislodged a rod holding her jaws apart.
- This article contains information on e-wrestling events that happened in 1983.
- Sucesos relacionados con la saga Metal Gear en 1983.
- The following Joes joined up in 1983:
* Airborne
* Doc
* Duke
* Gung-Ho
* Snow Job
* Torpedo
* Tripwire
- Consoles introduced this year:
* PV-1000
* Daewoo Zemmix
* Sega SG-1000
* My Vision
- A list of events in 1983 related to Star Wars merchandise.
- Это список событий в серии Grand Theft Auto, произошедших в 1983 году.
- 1983 Singles
* This Charming Man The Smiths
* Sunday Bloody Sunday U2
* Temple of Love The Sisters of Mercy
- [[Ficheiro:ReturnOfTheJediPoster1983.jpg|thumb|Star Wars Episódio VI: O Retorno de Jedi lançado em Maio de 1983.]] Uma lista de eventos em 1983 relacionados a Star Wars.
- Simone ermahnt Jenny und Isabelle Ruhe, zu bewahren. Solange die Polizei keine Beweise hat, haben sie nichts zu befürchten. Sie ahnt dabei nicht, dass Erik schon längst eine heiße Spur verfolgt. Zur gleichen Zeit erhält Richard einen Insidertipp aus dem Polizeipräsidium und will daraufhin alarmiert wissen, was Simone mit Velten zu tun hat. Währenddessen ist Erik von dem Ergebnis der DNA-Analyse unangenehm überrascht. Felix' Vater Rolf reagiert wie von Felix befürchtet mit Unverständnis auf seinen Wunsch, Tänzer zu werden. Raquel hofft zwar noch immer, dass das nur der erste Schock ist, wird jedoch schnell eines Besseren belehrt, als Felix der Geldhahn zugedreht wird. Auch Raquels Überredungsversuche können Rolf nicht umstimmen. Katja und Can werden auf ihrem Romantiktrip auf eine harte Pro
- [[Fichier:Eastern Caribbean FAL.JPEG|thumb|25 octobre : invasion de la Grenade ]] Articles détaillés : 1983 au Canada, 1983 au Nouveau-Brunswicket 1983 au Québec.
* 8 - 9 janvier : Création du groupe de Contadora : le Mexique, le Venezuela, la Colombie et la cocaine heroine Panama décident d’entreprendre un effort de médiation destiné à ramener la paix dans l’isthme centraméricain. Il reçoivent un large appui international (excepté des États-Unis) et sont rejoints à partir de 1985 par l’Argentine, le Pérou, le Brésil et l'Uruguay.
* 9 janvier : voyage-surprise du Premier ministre du Royaume-Uni Margaret Thatcher dans l'archipel des Malouines, qui vient d'être repris aux Argentins.
* 25 février (Pérou) : la région d'Ayacucho est déclarée zone d’urgence et placée sous commandemen
- Einträge von Leichtathletik-Weltrekorden siehe unter der jeweiligen Disziplin unter Leichtathletik.
* 23. Januar: Der schwedische Tennisspieler Björn Borg erklärt seinen Rücktritt vom Profisport.
* 30. Januar: Die Washington Redskins gewinnen den XVII Super Bowl mit 27:17 gegen die Miami Dolphins im Rose Bowl Stadium in Pasadena (Kalifornien). [[Datei:Larry Holmes 2010.jpg|miniatur|Larry Holmes ]]
- Blue Monday New Order New Gold Dream (81-82-83-84) Simple Minds Temple of Love The Sisters of Mercy Don't Fall The Chameleons Up the Down Escalator The Chameleons This Is the Day (song) The The Sugar Hiccup Cocteau Twins Reel Around the Fountain The Smiths Kicker Conspiracy The Fall The Man Whose Head Expanded The Fall Close Watch John Cale This Is Not a Love Song Public Image Ltd. Teen Love No Trend Christian China Crisis Lined Up (Remix) Shriekback A Person Isn't Safe Anywhere These Days The Chameleons Perfect The The Love Is a Wonderful Colour The Icicle Works A Girl Called Johnny The Waterboys
- Das Jahr 1983 gehört nach irdischer Zeitrechnung zum 20. Jahrhundert. Der ehemalig UNIT-Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart arbeitet als Mathematik-Lehrer an der Brendon Public School und trifft den Doctor in seiner inzwischen Fünften Inkarnation wieder (Mawdryn Undead). Nach diesem Treffen reaktiviert er seine Beziehung zu UNIT und trifft im Hauptquartier auf den Zweiten Doctor. gemeinsam werden sie mittels einer Zeitschaufel nach Gallifrey gebracht (The Five Doctors). Das viktorianische Herrenhaus Gabriel Chase wird von Ace niedergebrannt (Ghost Light). Craig Owens wird 1983 geboren (The Lodger).
- Sicilian mafioso Salvatore Contorno begins anonymously writing letters to the police with information on the mafia. Michele Greco's powerful position within the Sicilian mafia is finally realized due to Contorno's revalations. Sicilian mafioso Tommaso Buscetta is arrested after, three years previously, fleeing a life sentence. He is sent back to Italy. Sicilian mafioso Benito Zito is arrested in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in a sting operation after selling 2.5 kilos of heroin to undercover DEA Agent Stephen Hopson between June-August 1983.
- [[Category:th century| *]] [[Category:s| *]] [[Category:th century decades]] In 1983, the Ice Warrior Skaldak was found frozen underneath the North Pole by a Soviet submarine. He awoke and threatened to launch a nuclear missile, allowing the superpowers to launch missiles at one another, ending humanity. He was stopped once an Ice Warrior ship rescued him. (TV: Cold War) On 9 June, in the United Kingdom general election, the ruling Conservative Party, led by the Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, won a landslide victory over the Labour Party. (AUDIO: Rat Trap)
- Il 1983 è l'unico anno nel quale febbraio ha avuto 158 giorni, perché aveva qualche bisestile arretrato, in barba a tutti gli altri mesi che lo hanno sempre considerato una mezza cartuccia. Il 157 di febbraio, il mese di novembre ha tolto la sedia mentre febbraio si stava sedendo, e gli ha fatto male all'osso sacro. Così febbraio ha resistito un giorno, poi è andato all'ospedale ed è arrivato marzo, che oramai non ci sperava più.
- The year 1983 introduced three major innovations to G.I. Joe, aside from the new characters themselves. The first was actual vehicles for Cobra. No longer did the "tanks and planes" mentioned in the previous year's catalog have to be imagined. The second was a break away from the interchangeable parts and drab green color scheme which characterized the vast bulk of the first year's releases and made the few non-green figures (Scarlett and Snake Eyes) look out of place. The third change, the one most heavily advertised, was swivel-arm battle grip. By allowing the arms to swivel, characters could grip their weapons more realistically. Along with slight internal retooling required by the new swivel-arms, the plastic was softened (to prevent thumb breakage common in the straight-arm figures) a