| - When flying with the Koopalings, she gives them a big kiss when they kill a good guy or BEES!. When they don't, she breathes fire at them and they all go on fire, including Bowser's wife herself. The same thing happens with Bowser, but he fights back when his wife breathes fire at him because Bowser is a man. And men fight back all the time. When she first saw MLP, she thought that it would be lovely for Wendy to watch, but Wendy HATES My Little Pony. She likes The Walking Dead. Bowser's wife had a debate on which minion should be a Brony, and... she be came one despite being a girl. She went on the internet and posted random pics of stupid My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic crossovers with Thomas the Tank Engine. Another debate was held about trying to kill Bowser's wife with a spear. Everybody except for Bowser's wife agreed and went on a mission to go to Bowser's Wife's Castle to kill her, but they didn't survive. Everybody died from bear traps, Wa-Guys, Piranhas, Teletubbies, Spikes, BLOODY spikes, Pizza, Coffee, DIE, and BEES!. Although, Ludwig Von Koopa survived because he was the zombie reincarnation of Beethoven and zombies can't die so he used his magic wand to turn Bowser's wife into stone. Everybody came back to life (Except for Tim J. Koopa because he is a BABY), and had another B.B.Q. The endz.
- Bowser's Wife is Nintendo's least popular star, and is also Bowser's wife.