| - In the Galactic Standard Year of 980, The ORN Emperor declared war on the Unified Federation of Galaxies, known as the Galactic Federation. After a long struggle against the ORN Empire, two extraordinary pilots, in the legendary Styx Fighter, managed to destroy the Orn Control Ship and stop the Empire in its tracks. The ORN Empire's main computer system, supposedly destroyed in the battle, was actually only damaged. The still-functioning mainframe data was retrieved by one of the Orn's allies, the Kha-Oss Legion, and is being rebuilt on the planet Vios.
| - In the Galactic Standard Year of 980, The ORN Emperor declared war on the Unified Federation of Galaxies, known as the Galactic Federation. After a long struggle against the ORN Empire, two extraordinary pilots, in the legendary Styx Fighter, managed to destroy the Orn Control Ship and stop the Empire in its tracks. The ORN Empire's main computer system, supposedly destroyed in the battle, was actually only damaged. The still-functioning mainframe data was retrieved by one of the Orn's allies, the Kha-Oss Legion, and is being rebuilt on the planet Vios. Should the information in the computer be analyzed, it may show weak points in the Galaxy Federation's defenses. If this happens, the ORN Empire and the Kha-Oss Legion will certainly move against the Galactic Federation again. You have been chosen to lead the battle against the forces protecting the Orn computer's mainframe data, in a desperate attempt to save the Federation from destruction. You mustn't fail! Your mission has two sections: First, you have to lead the attack on the main military planet of the Kha-Oss Legion. Once this planet's offensive weaponry has been destroyed, the Galactic Federation will be able to launch an offensive against the inner planets in the Kha-Oss system, knocking out their command center. Their military will be at a disadvantage if they lose their main computer banks. Your next mission will be to travel to Vios and search for the ORN Empire's main battle computer. Knocking out the military planet will make it easier to penetrate the inside of Vios. If the Federation is able to destroy the ORN Empire's main computer database, peace in the galaxy can be assured. There are four areas in the first part of your mission. Destroy the military equipment that the Kha-Oss Legion is building up, and then take on the main battle cruiser. There will be other Federation spacefighters there to help you.