| - History of character is unknown.
- Dragon King (ドラゴンキング Doragon Kingu, 36 & 37): A Komodo dragon Neo-Shocker monster hailing from Indonesia.
- File:Dragon King All Star Squadron 4 BB.gif Write the text of your article here!
- The ryuou or dragon king is the most powerful piece in regular shogi, and pretty close to this title in larger shogi variants mo st of the time. It can move one square in any direction and has the move of a rook, making it capable of taking out several pieces by itself before it gets captured.
- The Dragon King (黒竜王キングブラックドラゴン Kingu burakku doragon, lit. King Black Dragon) is a class of Dragon tribe Laguz that is exclusive to Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. The personal class of Dheginsea, the monarch of the Black Dragons, the Dragon King class engulfs its foes with fumes of Black Breath. The Dragon King class is superior to the Dragon Prince class, and, like most of the other Royal Laguz, has exclusive access to the Formshift skill. Like all other Dragon tribe Laguz, the Dragon King is vulnerable to dragon-slaying weapons and Thunder Magic.
- They are believed to be the rulers of moving bodies of water, such as waterfalls, rivers, or seas. They can show themselves as water spouts (tornado or twister over water). In this capacity as the rulers of water and weather, the dragon is more anthropomorphic in form, often depicted as a humanoid, dressed in a king's costume, but with a dragon head wearing a king's headdress.
- The Dragon King is the king of dragons on Dora the Explorer, and is a good friend to King Unicornio
- The Thirteen Kings:
* Gold
* Iron
* Bronze
* Silver
* Green
* Brown
* Black
* Blue
* Red
* Ice
* Storm
* Purple
* Crystal
- He is master of the deadly art of Bak Fu Pai! This would be warlord will seek out the means to conquer all those who would stop him establishing his own kingdom. One that he will rule for a thousand years with the deadly power of Bak Fu Pai!
- The Dragon King is a monster class in Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance. A demon of burning flames and destruction, and his powers is beyond the strength of any demon in the Netherworld. His Evility Anti Elements, which decreases the elemental resistances (except for star magic) of adjacent enemy unit by 30%.
- Lung Wang was the legendary Dragon King in China. In ancient times, Lung Wang went on a rampage across China and stole gold and precious gems from the people. He was eventually defeated and imprisoned by Emperor Chin, who used a magical jeweled tooth to imprison him.