| - Poilu (; ) is an informal term for a French World War I infantryman, meaning, literally, hairy one. The term came into popular usage in France during the era of Napoleon Bonaparte and his massive citizen armies, though the term grognard (grumbler) was also common. It is still widely used as a term of endearment for the French infantry of World War I. The word carries the sense of the infantryman's typically rustic, agricultural background. Beards and bushy moustaches were often worn.
- Poilu means shaggy one and is the warm informal term for a French infantryman. The pluralization is Poilus. As an instinctively democratic people the French have an affection for the most democratic arm of the military: the infantry. The term came into popular usage in France during the era of Napoleon Bonaparte, when his massive citizen armies smashed feudalism to pieces across much of continental Europe. However it was used most often during the First World War.
| - Poilu means shaggy one and is the warm informal term for a French infantryman. The pluralization is Poilus. As an instinctively democratic people the French have an affection for the most democratic arm of the military: the infantry. The term came into popular usage in France during the era of Napoleon Bonaparte, when his massive citizen armies smashed feudalism to pieces across much of continental Europe. However it was used most often during the First World War. The word always carried the twin sense of the infantryman's typically rural background and the suggestion of Gallic manliness. However during the First World War the word also expressed a defiant pride in the more animal existence to which they had been reduced by the horrors and filth of trench warfare. According to historian Ian Ousby, the poilus made a cult of beards and unbarbered luxuriant mustaches: "Some may deliberately have been invoking memories of the early Revolution, with their curving mustaches and clay pipes; many may have been taking comfort in theor resemblance to conventional depictions of Gallic warriors (p. 136).
- Poilu (; ) is an informal term for a French World War I infantryman, meaning, literally, hairy one. The term came into popular usage in France during the era of Napoleon Bonaparte and his massive citizen armies, though the term grognard (grumbler) was also common. It is still widely used as a term of endearment for the French infantry of World War I. The word carries the sense of the infantryman's typically rustic, agricultural background. Beards and bushy moustaches were often worn. The image of the dogged, bearded French soldier was widely used in propaganda and war memorials. The stereotype of the Poilu was of bravery and endurance, but not always of unquestioning obedience. At the disastrous Chemin des Dames offensive of 1917 under General Robert Nivelle, they were said to have gone into no man's land making baa'ing noises — a collective bit of gallows humor signaling the idea that they were being sent as lambs to the slaughter. Outstanding for its mixture of horror and heroism, this spectacle proved a sobering one. As the news of it spread, the French high command soon found itself coping with a widespread mutiny. A minor revolution was averted only with the promise of an end to the costly offensive. The last surviving poilu from World War I was Pierre Picault. However, French authorities recognised Lazare Ponticelli as the last poilu, as he was the last veteran whose service met the strict official criteria. Lazare Ponticelli died in Le Kremlin-Bicêtre on 12 March 2008, aged 110.