| - The Glorious Nation of Datlof is a nation created in Civilization V and played by Lewis. (Henceforth to be referred to as "Brewis Ginley") Datlof was a small heavily militaristic socialist nation situated in a desert in the Old World. It was surrounded by multiple nations from all sides by the nations of China (Ben), Persia (Parv), Maya (Duncan) & Spain.(Sjin) The national beverages in Datlof are tea and gin. Tea is drunk whenever gin supplies are low or unavailable. Datlof's culture and media are heavily controlled. A very short list of songs are permitted in Datlof. This list includes:All Rise For Datlof,Bringing Home the bacon,Getting jiggly with a piggy,certain 1987 Eurovision hits. Datlof only has two remaining edifices, Datlof Moustache Museum and the Imperial Palazzo. In the word-famous Datlof Moustache Museum there is a display of the finest moustaches, many of which are still attacked to the heads on which they grew. As for the Imperial Palazzo, it is the previous home of Datlof's Emperor. During the live, Brewis was drunk, which make Datlof funnier. On February 4th of 2015 a song named "All Rise For Datlof' was published in honour of Datlof. (WIP)