Searching is an exclusive action. You can't do anything else while searching. You can perform a number of searches equal to half your Intelligence at the same time. Skill Roll: Computer (Search Operations) (Cannot use Hacking Pool, Can use Task Pool if you have the appropriate Knowledge Skill) Base TN: Dependent on type of search -
* Simple (Public Records) 4
* Standard (Private and Pay Sites, 10 nuyen/hour) 5
* Detailed (Money Trails, Confidential Information, 25 nuyen/hour) 8 Base Time:
Searching is an exclusive action. You can't do anything else while searching. You can perform a number of searches equal to half your Intelligence at the same time. Skill Roll: Computer (Search Operations) (Cannot use Hacking Pool, Can use Task Pool if you have the appropriate Knowledge Skill) Base TN: Dependent on type of search -
* Simple (Public Records) 4
* Standard (Private and Pay Sites, 10 nuyen/hour) 5
* Detailed (Money Trails, Confidential Information, 25 nuyen/hour) 8 Base Time:
* Simple 1d6 hours,
* Standard 2d6 hours,
* Detailed 1d3 Days
* If using a shitty cyberdeck, double the time (Less than 2 points of Response Increase)
* If using a Tortoise, triple the time