| - The Expansion Region when in reference to the Nymean Ascendancy is a large group of planets that were annexed after the Vagaari War. This area is comprised of the Rimward areas of the Ascendancy along the border with the Horothrium Hegemony. While Oblis and Weilb are the most populated planets in this region, the most influential planet is Taiphath due to its being the center for the Tetral Order, many of the Corsucanti survivors and foreigners, and being host to the Forth Fleet's command center in the region. This region consists of either new colonies, Coruscanti, or newcomers to the Ascendancy. After years of fear of the Vagaari and the Horothrium, the Obli and Weilbis were eager to join the Nymean Ascendancy after having contact with them. Many planets were discovered and opened up to colonization by various peoples including most of the civilian survivors of the Battle of Coruscant since they wanted a fresh start yet did not wish to face discrimination in established Nymean planets. During the Horothrium War from 55-57 ABY, there was intense fighting in the region and many planets were devastated. After that war, most of the planets experienced a resurgence of wealth and economic power as they were the gateway to the newly conquered Horothrium territories. By the mid-70's ABY, the region has been generally accepted as being part of the "true" Nymean territories while the Horothrium territories received the brunt of the discrimination once reserved for this region.