| - A code name or cryptonym is a word or name used, sometimes clandestinely, to refer to another name, word, project or person. Code names are often used for military purposes, or in espionage. They may also be used in industry to protect secret projects and the like from business rivals, or to give names to projects whose marketing name has not yet been determined.
- In order to protect a Secret Identity, or just to make identifying a person easier over a static-y radio, a Superhero, International Spy or even Ace Pilot will have a Code Name. In the case of a Superhero, this nom de guerre will be indicative of their powers, origin, or national affiliation. International spies and Ace Pilots will more frequently have a randomly assigned Code Name (and in comedies, silly ones at that). Often, the Code Name is so descriptive as to defeat the very purpose of not using your real name, since Iron Bear really could only be one guy. Examples of Code Name include:
| - A code name or cryptonym is a word or name used, sometimes clandestinely, to refer to another name, word, project or person. Code names are often used for military purposes, or in espionage. They may also be used in industry to protect secret projects and the like from business rivals, or to give names to projects whose marketing name has not yet been determined.
- In order to protect a Secret Identity, or just to make identifying a person easier over a static-y radio, a Superhero, International Spy or even Ace Pilot will have a Code Name. In the case of a Superhero, this nom de guerre will be indicative of their powers, origin, or national affiliation. International spies and Ace Pilots will more frequently have a randomly assigned Code Name (and in comedies, silly ones at that). Often, the Code Name is so descriptive as to defeat the very purpose of not using your real name, since Iron Bear really could only be one guy. A common way of parodying it is a character with a stupid or silly codename who complains that, when the time came to choose theirs, all the good ones were taken. Frequently they claim it was a choice between their current codename or something far worse.
* Simple alphanumeric designations, such as Agent 86 of Get Smart, M of the James Bond franchise, not to mention 007 himself.
* Descriptive pseudonyms, a la Cyclops of X-Men, Cyborg of the Teen Titans.
* Nicknames in more-or-less poetic periphrases, such as the Sewing Life Alchemist (Shou Tucker) of Fullmetal Alchemist, or Black Canary of The DCU. The Token Minority may fall victim to a having a Captain Ethnic Code Name; for decades, almost all black superheroes had names with the word "Black" somewhere in them. Military ranks, noble titles and other honorifics are occasionally incorporated into a Code Name, as is the case in Captain America and Doctor Fate. Closely related to Nom De Guerre, which would be when they use the name all the time, and not just "out in public". Examples of Code Name include: