| - '[Voice Over, accompanied by the title screen music from Super Mario 64] Mario and Luigi: Stupid Mario Brothers! Mario: Episode 5! Ah, I think. Ooh. Narrator: Previously, on Stupid Mario Brothers. [Curiously, it is a different narrator, voiced by Chris Muller]. Wario: Wah?! A letter for me? Wario: You... Wario: Allow me to introduce my new partner, Waluigi! Waluigi: I'm going to make-a you wish you never left the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario: As we already told Wario, we are not going back! Waluigi: It's time for you to face us. Mario: Ready Luigi? Luigi: Help-a me, help-a me! Wario: Ooh... Weheh-oh-wehweh...
| - '[Voice Over, accompanied by the title screen music from Super Mario 64] Mario and Luigi: Stupid Mario Brothers! Mario: Episode 5! Ah, I think. Ooh. Narrator: Previously, on Stupid Mario Brothers. [Curiously, it is a different narrator, voiced by Chris Muller]. Wario: Wah?! A letter for me? Wario: You... Wario: Allow me to introduce my new partner, Waluigi! Waluigi: I'm going to make-a you wish you never left the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario: As we already told Wario, we are not going back! Waluigi: It's time for you to face us. Mario: Ready Luigi? Luigi: Let's-a do this! [The four take their fighting stances once again] Narrator: And now, Episode 5 of Battlestar Galactica. Uh, uh I mean Stupid Mario Brothers. Waluigi: A buttstomp! [Waluigi ground pounds Luigi, immobilizing him] Luigi: Help-a me, help-a me! Wario: Walugi, it's time-a to kick some ass! [The two jump back on their feet and run towards Mario and Lugi.] Wario: Ooh... Weheh-oh-wehweh... Mario: Mamma mia! [Mario tornadoes off while Wario rests his hand on his agonized head.] Mario: It's time to-a get serious, Luigi. Luigi: Let's kick some ass! [Both direct their attention to Wario.] Luigi: Ooh, 'bout time already! Waluigi: You are too weak. I will take care of this one... Waluigi: How do you like them Fireballs? Mario: Nobody hurts my brother like that and gets away with it! Mario: We won Luigi, we are the winners! Luigi: Yes! Mario: Like we-a said before, we are staying HERE! Waluigi: You may have beaten us this time, but we'll be back, AND ready. Luigi: Go on making-a threats. When you're ready, we'll kick your-a butts again. Wario: So goodbye-a Mario stooges! Weheheheheh, heheh! Luigi: Do you really think they mean it, Mario? Mario: Hmmm... I dunno. Want to go get a pizza? Luigi: Okay! Mario: Alright! Mario: ♫Let's hang on, to what we got! Dah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah! Got a lot-a love between us! Hang on, hang on, hang on, ...to what we got! Doo doo! Doo doo! Doo doo!♫