Toontown is a city near Los Angeles, California where animated characters, also known as Toons, live. Around 1947, it was the target for Judge Doom who planned on destroying it in order to replace it with his own new freeway. In order to accomplish this, he murdered Marvin Acme (owner of the Acme Corporation and Toontown) who was going to give the ownership of the city to the Toons with his will. It can be accessed via a tunnel just outside of Los Angeles as well as right behind the Acme Warehouse.
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| - Toontown (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)
| - Toontown is a city near Los Angeles, California where animated characters, also known as Toons, live. Around 1947, it was the target for Judge Doom who planned on destroying it in order to replace it with his own new freeway. In order to accomplish this, he murdered Marvin Acme (owner of the Acme Corporation and Toontown) who was going to give the ownership of the city to the Toons with his will. It can be accessed via a tunnel just outside of Los Angeles as well as right behind the Acme Warehouse.
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| - He's Bonkers from Raw Toonage
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| - Bonkers
- Untitled Roger Rabbit Spin-off crossover show
| - Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin
| - Roger Rabbit, Jessica Rabbit, Baby Herman, Benny the Cab, Lena Hyena, Mickey Mouse, Bugs Bunny, Various Toons
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| - Toontown is a city near Los Angeles, California where animated characters, also known as Toons, live. Around 1947, it was the target for Judge Doom who planned on destroying it in order to replace it with his own new freeway. In order to accomplish this, he murdered Marvin Acme (owner of the Acme Corporation and Toontown) who was going to give the ownership of the city to the Toons with his will. It can be accessed via a tunnel just outside of Los Angeles as well as right behind the Acme Warehouse. Doom later murdered R.K. Maroon (owner of Maroon Cartoons) for almost revealing his plans to Eddie Valiant, the brother of Theodore Valiant, whom he killed five years before. However, after showing the eyes of his Toon form to Eddie, revealing who he was, his plan on destroying Toontown was put to an end.