| - These are the 5 colours of Draconium that are needed to combine in order to restore balance to a war-stricken world. These 5 colours of balance, better known as the 5 different Boosters, were revealed in Episode 25: The Return of Drakkus, Part 1. It is originally thought that the 5 colours must unite together under the power of the gold Dragon of Legend, who will use the colours to balance the hearts of others- this was demonstrated in Episode 7: The Horn of Libris, where Beau used these 5 colours to balance the anger within Libris. The five colours and their associated Boosters are as follows:
* Gold Draconium - Dragon Booster
* Black Draconium - Shadow Booster
* Red Draconium - Fire Booster
* Blue Draconium - Energy Booster
* Green Draconium - Power Booster In terms of the Boosters being revealed in the show, only Artha Penn and Moordryd Paynn have their Booster armours revealed, for Gold and Black Draconium respectively. Parmon Sean is introduced as being the Power Booster in the future, and was given the Green Draconium Gauntlet of Power during Episode 36: Professor Stubborn. No mention is ever made of a blue draconium Booster in the show, but the existence of one and its correct name were confirmed in interviews and discussions by the show's creators. The Boosters, much like the Dragon Booster himself, are chosen ones who are granted the gauntlet and amulet of one of the previous Boosters from the first dragon-human war. Like the Dragon Booster, once they place the amulet into the gauntlet with a phrase to unlock their Booster form, they are given a special suit of armour, and their overall abilities are enhanced such as strength, defence, and power. They are also given special attributes at certain times. The dragon of each Booster is also changed to reveal their true pure draconium forms. Like their Booster riders, their abilities are also enhanced, such as strength, defense, and how much mag-energy they can harness and they are given special attributes. It is unknown whether a dragon requires to be of pure draconium in order to utilize the Booster's powers, as the only dragons transformed in the show were of pure draconium before the Booster's transformations.