| - Well, first off, you should take in note that your character is EVIL. If you are looking for a bad guy with some good in him, go look at being a villain or criminal. You should, first off, make sure your character has a reason to be evil. And here begins the fun, because you are evil, not a villain, not a criminal, just evil. It might just be killing cockroaches for fun, burning cats cause you're mad, or anything! then spend time in the cities... until your character does something bad. *Presents a warlock forsaken* This is Bob, he is evil. he never did anything, his human life was tranquil. He never killed anybody, he is merely known as a newly risen. He might be evil for many reasons : He is mad, crazy, not O.K in the head, whatever makes your day to call him, he might be evil cause he h
| - Well, first off, you should take in note that your character is EVIL. If you are looking for a bad guy with some good in him, go look at being a villain or criminal. You should, first off, make sure your character has a reason to be evil. And here begins the fun, because you are evil, not a villain, not a criminal, just evil. It might just be killing cockroaches for fun, burning cats cause you're mad, or anything! then spend time in the cities... until your character does something bad. *Presents a warlock forsaken* This is Bob, he is evil. he never did anything, his human life was tranquil. He never killed anybody, he is merely known as a newly risen. He might be evil for many reasons : He is mad, crazy, not O.K in the head, whatever makes your day to call him, he might be evil cause he hates... who knows... let's say he's evil cause he hates Justin Bieber, and until he was risen, he listened to him all the time. (No offense to people who like JB). and now he wants to take revenge on mankind for this. He is not hated, of yet, he didn't do anything. He is just evil. Now, what you character BECOMES. (Note that an evil paladin... is not exactly ideal). He can become good, but you have to give an outer excellent reason, otherwise it's not gonna take up with the RP. i.e.: I was evil, but I became good because I learned that burning baby seals for fun wasn't nice. That, my friend (or NOT), is a big NO. No. NO. you can't become good for something dumb like this. Otherwise might as well start as Neutral evil, or as neutral simply.