| - The Picts are the inhabitants of the Pictish Wilderness of the Hyborian Age. Robert E. Howard's Picts are a conflation of the historical Picts and American Indians, particularly the Algonquins.
- The Picts are the strongest group of clans in the Highlands and shared Scotland with the Lowland Caledones. After the Roman invasion of Britian, the Caledones were willing to trade with the Romans but the Picts, who prevented the Romans to go further north, attacked the Romans whenever they tried trading. This caused the Romans to build Hadrian's Wall, to protect the Roman frontier and the trade. After the Romans left Britian, the Picts and Gaels invaded England, but were stopped by the Anglo-Saxon mercenaries. Once the Anglo-Saxons took over most of Great Britain, they turned their eyes to Scotland. Ready to resist the invaders, the Highland Kingdom of Alban and the Lowland Kingdom of Alt Clut (Strathclyde) pushed the Anglo-Saxons back and retained ownership of their lands.
- In Welsh, the Pictish country is called Prydyn, as opposed to Prydain which is the Welsh name for the rest of the island of Brtiain. In Q-Celtic (that is in Irish) the Pictish people or related people are called Cruthini. What the Picts called themselves is unknown.
- The Picts or original and secret inhabitants who now live hidden are referred to in both The Picts and the Martyrs and Great Northern?. In The Picts and the Martyrs, Dick suggests that they go underground to avoid the Great Aunt, Like badgers. In lots of places people think they're extinct. But they aren't. Only they never let themselves be seen. Then he said If only the igloo wasn't on the other side of the lake, and Dorothy replied We could have lived in that alright. We'd be Picts .... Ancient Britons. Prehistorics. Original inhabitants. They had to hide from the invaders and went on living secretly in caves, and in the end people thought they were fairies and used to leave milk outside the door for them .... I heard Father talking about it (PM3).
- The Picts are a tribe of ancient Britons who lived in North East and Central Scotland. The Romans were unable to defeat the Picts, and this is one reason for the building of Hadrian's wall. One Roman legion is known to have went missing. The Picts have left on the landscape of Scotland echos of their rich culture, including intricate carved drawings of the various tribes, and a stone carved foot print of the king.
| - The Picts are the inhabitants of the Pictish Wilderness of the Hyborian Age. Robert E. Howard's Picts are a conflation of the historical Picts and American Indians, particularly the Algonquins.
- The Picts or original and secret inhabitants who now live hidden are referred to in both The Picts and the Martyrs and Great Northern?. In The Picts and the Martyrs, Dick suggests that they go underground to avoid the Great Aunt, Like badgers. In lots of places people think they're extinct. But they aren't. Only they never let themselves be seen. Then he said If only the igloo wasn't on the other side of the lake, and Dorothy replied We could have lived in that alright. We'd be Picts .... Ancient Britons. Prehistorics. Original inhabitants. They had to hide from the invaders and went on living secretly in caves, and in the end people thought they were fairies and used to leave milk outside the door for them .... I heard Father talking about it (PM3). Then Peggy says What about The Dog's Home and Nancy jumped off the ground and replied Well done, Peggy .... Dick .... Lets go and have a look at it at once, though Cook said That old place .... (PM3). When Nancy says Badgers .... or Britons Dorothea says Picts (PM4). She tells the doctor that Dick and I are being Picts .... That's us (PM8). When Nancy addresses the note with the pigeons "Pict Post", Dot thinks She oughtn't .... Oh well, I suppose it doesn't matter (PM10). Dorothea writes to Mother: Please ask father about Picts .... living secretly in caves and only coming out at night long after other people had conquered the land .... We'd both like to be sure (PM7). Mother writes back saying Your father says that in a way you are right and in a way you are wrong. There used to be a theory among folklorists that the origin of the belief in fairies and such was the half secret presence in remote places of the original inhabitants of the country who had been for the most part driven out by conquering tribes .... He says it is an exploded theory, but he also says most theories get exploded sooner or later (PM14). They find that Jacky has been using The Dog's Home too; Dorothea says that he is a better Pict than either of us (PM11). She plans (PM14) to write her next story on a Pict, the very last of his race, living his life out to the end in a country whose people never even knew that he was there. In Great Northern?, they find a turf-covered mound above the cove. Dorothea says that it is a real pre-historic Pict House like the one they saw on Skye. Dick measures it to tell their father. They find a box with the diary kept by the young chieftain, Ian McGinty, and Titty works out that it is in Gaelic (GN4). Later Roger uses the Pict House as a look-out. Young Ian finds him asleep there and plays a trick on him. The old Pict-house is Ian’s private hiding-place and look-out ever since he had been a very small boy (GN16).
- The Picts are a tribe of ancient Britons who lived in North East and Central Scotland. The Romans were unable to defeat the Picts, and this is one reason for the building of Hadrian's wall. One Roman legion is known to have went missing. The Picts have left on the landscape of Scotland echos of their rich culture, including intricate carved drawings of the various tribes, and a stone carved foot print of the king. They are reported to have used lime to allow them to a spike up their hair. they are also reported to be painted. Most likely they were tattooed (using a blue dye made from woad) with tribal tattoos similar to their carved drawings. Proof of prehistoric tattoos exist with Ötzi the Iceman, a natural mummy found frozen in the Alps in 1991.
- The Picts are the strongest group of clans in the Highlands and shared Scotland with the Lowland Caledones. After the Roman invasion of Britian, the Caledones were willing to trade with the Romans but the Picts, who prevented the Romans to go further north, attacked the Romans whenever they tried trading. This caused the Romans to build Hadrian's Wall, to protect the Roman frontier and the trade. After the Romans left Britian, the Picts and Gaels invaded England, but were stopped by the Anglo-Saxon mercenaries. Once the Anglo-Saxons took over most of Great Britain, they turned their eyes to Scotland. Ready to resist the invaders, the Highland Kingdom of Alban and the Lowland Kingdom of Alt Clut (Strathclyde) pushed the Anglo-Saxons back and retained ownership of their lands.
- In Welsh, the Pictish country is called Prydyn, as opposed to Prydain which is the Welsh name for the rest of the island of Brtiain. In Q-Celtic (that is in Irish) the Pictish people or related people are called Cruthini. What the Picts called themselves is unknown.