Gothic people are people who like gothic things such as black, chains, long sleeved shirts, baggy pants, etc. If you see a kid with all this, then he may be a goth.
Gothic people are people who like gothic things such as black, chains, long sleeved shirts, baggy pants, etc. If you see a kid with all this, then he may be a goth.
In the late 70's and early 80's, people became obsessed with black eye-liner and black nail polish and black clothes and just black in general. Scientists agree, this was caused by Gothic Disease. The disease was set loose by Lenny Kravitz in his early years. P.A.L.K. (People Against Lenny Kravitz) are attempting to contain the Goth disease but are failing. Many brave PALKens have met their end from the disease after hating life so much that those around them rose up and dismembered them. They are so depreasted they can harm themselves or other people.
Gothic people are people who like gothic things such as black, chains, long sleeved shirts, baggy pants, etc. If you see a kid with all this, then he may be a goth.
In the late 70's and early 80's, people became obsessed with black eye-liner and black nail polish and black clothes and just black in general. Scientists agree, this was caused by Gothic Disease. The disease was set loose by Lenny Kravitz in his early years. P.A.L.K. (People Against Lenny Kravitz) are attempting to contain the Goth disease but are failing. Many brave PALKens have met their end from the disease after hating life so much that those around them rose up and dismembered them. They are so depreasted they can harm themselves or other people.