| - Following is an overview of the fabled Tier 3 armor sets in The Shadow Odyssey. To obtain pieces of this armor, you will need to loot a corresponding mold from Halle der Elemente, a x2 raid zone. For fabled armor sets from x4 raid zones, see TSO sagenumwobene Sets. For Tier 1 and Tier 2 Legendary shard armor sets, see TSO legendäre Scherbenrüstungssets. The molds for this armor are dropped as follows: After you have the mold, you will need to purchase the corresponding pattern from Assilus Poisonbolt at the docks in Lavastorm for the mold and Void Shards. After this, you can buy the armor piece from Borden Chargehammer at the docks in Lavastorm for the pattern and a corresponding Tier 2 armor piece. There are 4 subclass-specific mold sets that are shared between classes:
* elementarer Bezwinger für Krieger, Raubtiere und Mentalisten
* elementarer Streiter für Kreuzritter, Diebe und Kleriker
* elementarer Gladiator für Schläger, Barden und Druiden
* elementarer Meister für Schamanen, Beschwörer und Hexer There is also a generic mold set that can be used for all plate, chain and leather wearers:
* Platte Obsidian-Angriff-Set (Krieger, Kreuzritter und Kleriker), Kette Geschmolzenes des Übermächtigen-Set (Schamanen und Barden) oder Leder Elementarer Angriff-Set (Schläger und Druiden)