Multimedia PC with a Pentium 166 MHz or higher processor
* System Requirements
* Getting on the Zone
*System requirements are subject to change
CD Drive
Input Device
Internet access
Internet connectivity and an active MSN™ Gaming Zone membership is requred to set your Asheron's Call account. A monthly service charge is applicable after your trial period ends. Zone Membership is subject to the terms of the Zone License agreement.
Quad-speed CD-ROM drive
Sound card recommended, but not required
Super VGA video card supporting 16-bit color
Super VGA monitor , 800x600 display
System Requirements*
Microsoft Mouse or other compatible pointing device
Microsoft® Internet Explorer version 3.02 or later browser software, or Netscape 4.0 or later
Microsoft Windows® 95 or 98 operating system with DirectX™ 6.1 API
To join in Asheron's quest, and to find your path to Dereth, you will need certain supplies .
Getting on the Zone*
The only path to Dereth is on the Internet. The good news is that it's easier than ever to start playing games on the MSN Gaming Zone!