| - Streams were a feature on YouTube up until February 18, 2010, when the feature was removed from the site. Any stream link would redirect to a channel called "whyarestreamsgone", where users can read an explanation for the removal, albeit a rather vague one..
- Stream is the 38th beginner floor of Super Monkey Ball Deluxe.
- SL can stream audio and video that can be controlled through the UI.
- Stream is part of the "groove radar". Stream is the arrow amount. 500 steps is a high stream. 100 is not.
- Streams are important as conduits in the water cycle, instruments in groundwater recharge, and corridors for fish and wildlife migration. The biological habitat in the immediate vicinity of a stream is called a riparian zone. Given the status of the ongoing Holocene extinction, streams play an important corridor role in connecting fragmented habitats and thus in conserving biodiversity. The study of streams and waterways in general is known as surface hydrology and is a core element of environmental geography.
- A stream is a continuous string of single notes. In the example, it's a string of 16th notes, but there are also streams with 24th and even 32nd notes. Any string of slower than 8 key taps per second isn't generally considered a stream.
- A river in Sartar
* It runs through Streamvale
* Enjossi brought back salmon here.
* A ferry crosses at Duck Ferry Sources: King of Sartar, Wyrms Footnotes #15
- It has no specific leader, it is basicly ruled by the people, the citizens. It has ofcourse representive who has povers to form Foreign Realtions with other nations.
- However, the culture of streaming eventually died went on indefinite hiatus upon the coinciding of low /who/ activity with the depletion of readily mockable episodes. The stream wilderness years are projected to end by October when either Fan Film S3 (nothing happened) or Foreman (lol no) comes out, but until then you may have to get an actual life.
- A stream is a body of water with a detectable current, confined within a bed and banks. Stream is also an umbrella term used in the scientific community for all flowing natural waters, regardless of size. The study of streams and waterways in general is known as surface hydrology and is important in environmental geography or environmental geology.
- STREAM, "STrategic REstoration and Management of the River Avon" is a river restoration project restoring the River Avon. They were awarded the Living Wetlands Award by CIWEN in 2009.
- A stream is a special agent that costs $40 MM. It is placed by drawing a line from one side of the screen to the other in just about any pattern, although it can only be 15% longer then the distance from one side of the screen to the other. It flows from where you started drawing it to where you finished drawing it. (Note: Can only be used on land terrain, or it wouldn't make sense) It is 20 px wide, and can be placed across the track (well, it wouldn't work otherwise, unless there was a streambed made out of air :P), and has a 10% chance to sweep any Bloons that cross it that are ranked below rainbow away in the direction the stream is flowing, following the path of it. However, if the stream touches the track again, the Bloons will leave the stream and go back to the track. If the Bloons
- A stream is a structured sequence of bytes or characters that may be read or written from. Most streams are of the first-in-first-out nature, thus some streams are also implemented as queues. Streams may be representations of large amounts of data, and as such, these amounts of data may be processed little by little (block by block, line by line, etc.) and prevents such errors as data overflow. Streams are often used, but not limited to, files, which may occassionaly contain large amounts of data.